Find run of repeating value

  • My solution, no claim to originality.

    declare @AtLeastCount int = 3

    ;with T as
    select *, RowNum = row_number() over(order by ID)
    from @T
    T1 as
    select *, RowGroup = RowNum - row_number() over (order by RowNum)
    from T
    where Val = 0
    T2 as
    select *, RowGroup = RowNum - row_number() over (order by RowNum)
    from T
    where Val = 1
    T3 as
    Val = min(Val),
    FirstID = min(ID),
    LastID = max(ID),
    CountID = count(ID)
    from T1
    group by
    union all
    Val = min(Val),
    FirstID = min(ID),
    LastID = max(ID),
    CountID = count(ID)
    from T2
    group by
    T4 as
    select *,
    BeforeID = lag(LastID) over(order by LastID),
    BeforeVal = lag(Val) over(order by LastID),
    AfterID = lead(FirstID) over(order by FirstID),
    AfterVal = lead(Val) over(order by FirstID)
    from T3

    cross apply
    ('First', FirstID, Val),
    ('Last', LastID, Val),
    ('Before', BeforeID, BeforeVal),
    ('After', AfterID, AfterVal)
    ) X(PosDec, ID, Val)
    T4.Val = 1
    and T4.CountID >= @AtLeastCount
    and X.ID is not null
    order by
  • And without the UNION ALL.

    declare @AtLeastCount int = 3

    ;with T as
    select *,
    RowNum0 = case when Val = 0 then row_number() over(order by ID) else null end,
    RowNum1 = case when Val = 1 then row_number() over(order by ID) else null end
    from @T
    T1 as
    select *,
    RowGroup0 = case when Val = 0 then RowNum0 - row_number() over (order by RowNum0) else null end,
    RowGroup1 = case when Val = 1 then RowNum1 - row_number() over (order by RowNum1) else null end
    from T
    T2 as
    Val = min(Val),
    FirstID = min(ID),
    LastID = max(ID),
    CountID = count(ID)
    from T1
    group by
    coalesce(RowGroup0, RowGroup1)
    T3 as
    select *,
    BeforeID = lag(LastID) over(order by LastID),
    BeforeVal = lag(Val) over(order by LastID),
    AfterID = lead(FirstID) over(order by FirstID),
    AfterVal = lead(Val) over(order by FirstID)
    from T2

    cross apply
    ('First', FirstID, Val),
    ('Last', LastID, Val),
    ('Before', BeforeID, BeforeVal),
    ('After', AfterID, AfterVal)
    ) X(PosDec, ID, Val)
    T3.Val = 1
    and T3.CountID >= @AtLeastCount
    and X.ID is not null
    order by
  • In my previous attempts, I don't think I can guarantee that RowGroup is unique across the two 'paths', and so could get incorrect result when combined. Would depend on the test data? So my next version...

    declare @AtLeastCount int = 3

    ;with T as
    select *,
    RowNum = row_number() over(order by ID),
    BeforeID = lag(ID) over(order by ID), --to use later
    BeforeVal = lag(Val) over(order by ID),
    AfterID = lead(ID) over(order by ID),
    AfterVal = lead(Val) over(order by ID)
    from @T
    T1 as
    select *,
    RowGroup = RowNum - row_number() over (order by RowNum) --create groups for islands
    from T
    Val = 1 --important is here
    T2 as
    Val = min(Val),
    FirstID = min(ID),
    LastID = max(ID),
    CountID = count(ID)
    from T1
    group by
    T3 as
    inner join T as [Before] on --look back
    T2.FirstID = [Before].ID
    inner join T as [After] on
    T2.LastID = [After].ID
    CountID >= @AtLeastCount

    cross apply
    ('First', FirstID, Val),
    ('Last', LastID, Val),
    ('Before', BeforeID, BeforeVal),
    ('After', AfterID, AfterVal)
    ) X(PosDec, ID, Val)
    X.ID is not null
    order by
  • Hello kuopaz, the following elegant solution uses only windowed sums to obtain the desired result:

    /* INPUT TEST DATA (from original post) */
    declare @T table(ID int not null primary key, Val int not null)

    insert @T(ID, Val)
    select 1, 0 union all
    select 10, 1 union all
    select 17, 0 union all
    select 18, 0 union all
    select 27, 1 union all
    select 34, 1 union all
    select 42, 1 union all
    select 52, 0 union all
    select 62, 1 union all
    select 63, 1 union all
    select 65, 0 union all
    select 73, 0 union all
    select 79, 1 union all
    select 85, 1 union all
    select 89, 1 union all
    select 90, 1

    /* Original test data with a proper ORDER BY clause */
    select * from
    order by

    -- An answer to the original question finding runs of at least 3 subsequent 1s
    -- Each original row appears at most once in the result set
    -- Remark: it is possible that a row with [Val] = 0 is both 'Before'
    -- and 'After' a run, hence the addition of 'Between'
    -- Required: sums of the preceding and following 1, N (3) and N - 1 (2) values
    -- Assumption: [Val] is always either 0 or 1
    -- Alternative: if [Val] may have other values as well, use
    -- sum(case when Val = 1 then 1 else 0 end) instead of
    -- sum(Val) in each windowed aggregate
    select * from
    ( select
    when Val = 0 and Preceding3 < 3 and Following3 = 3 then 'Before'
    when Val = 0 and Preceding3 = 3 and Following3 < 3 then 'After'
    when Val = 0 and Preceding3 = 3 and Following3 = 3 then 'Between'
    when Val = 1 and Preceding1 = 1 and Following2 = 3 then 'First'
    when Val = 1 and Preceding2 = 3 and Following1 = 1 then 'Last'
    end as PosDesc
    , ID
    , Val
    ( select
    , Val
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between current row and 1 following) as Following1
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between current row and 2 following) as Following2
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between current row and 3 following) as Following3
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between 1 preceding and current row) as Preceding1
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between 2 preceding and current row) as Preceding2
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between 3 preceding and current row) as Preceding3
    ) as W
    ) as R
    PosDesc is not null
    order by

    -- An answer to an alternative question finding runs of at least 4 subsequent 1s
    -- Each original row appears at most once in the result set
    -- Remark: it is possible that a row with [Val] = 0 is both 'Before'
    -- and 'After' a run, hence the addition of 'Between'
    -- Required: sums of the preceding and following 1, N (4) and N - 1 (3) values
    -- Assumption: [Val] is always either 0 or 1
    -- Alternative: if [Val] may have other values as well, use
    -- sum(case when Val = 1 then 1 else 0 end) instead of
    -- sum(Val) in each windowed aggregate
    select * from
    ( select
    when Val = 0 and Preceding4 < 4 and Following4 = 4 then 'Before'
    when Val = 0 and Preceding4 = 4 and Following4 < 4 then 'After'
    when Val = 0 and Preceding4 = 4 and Following4 = 4 then 'Between'
    when Val = 1 and Preceding1 = 1 and Following3 = 4 then 'First'
    when Val = 1 and Preceding3 = 4 and Following1 = 1 then 'Last'
    end as PosDesc
    , ID
    , Val
    ( select
    , Val
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between current row and 1 following) as Following1
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between current row and 3 following) as Following3
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between current row and 4 following) as Following4
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between 1 preceding and current row) as Preceding1
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between 3 preceding and current row) as Preceding3
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between 4 preceding and current row) as Preceding4
    ) as W
    ) as R
    PosDesc is not null
    order by

    It can not use the run length as a parameter, because the window specification requires a literal value.

    But for every given run length a solution exists using only six windowed aggregates, as shown above.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  vliet.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  vliet.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  vliet.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  vliet.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  vliet. Reason: Formatting code for better readability
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  vliet. Reason: A small error in the last comment section
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  vliet. Reason: Using lower case keywords to improve coloring
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  vliet. Reason: Another small error correction and using lower case in the SQL parts of the last comment section
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  vliet.
  • vliet wrote:

    It can not use the run length as a parameter, because the window specification requires a literal value.

    But for every given run length a solution exists using only six windowed aggregates, as shown above.

    So, how do you identity sequences of, say, 8 1s rather than 3/4, with "only six windowed aggregates"?

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • To identify runs of eight 1s you can use the following select statement:

    select * from
    ( select
    when Val = 0 and Preceding8 < 8 and Following8 = 8 then 'Before'
    when Val = 0 and Preceding8 = 8 and Following8 < 8 then 'After'
    when Val = 0 and Preceding8 = 8 and Following8 = 8 then 'Between'
    when Val = 1 and Preceding1 = 1 and Following7 = 8 then 'First'
    when Val = 1 and Preceding7 = 8 and Following1 = 1 then 'Last'
    end as PosDesc
    , ID
    , Val
    ( select
    , Val
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between current row and 1 following) as Following1
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between current row and 7 following) as Following7
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between current row and 8 following) as Following8
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between 1 preceding and current row) as Preceding1
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between 7 preceding and current row) as Preceding7
    , sum(Val) over (order by ID rows between 8 preceding and current row) as Preceding8
    ) as W
    ) as R
    PosDesc is not null
    order by
  • Thanks vliet. It is elegant but having to use a literal value in the windowing frame is a big limitation.

    The islands method above also uses six windowing functions - two lag, two lead, two row_number.

  • As long as we're fixated on the number of windowed functions (I'd personally prefer choosing based on overall performance profile over a wide variety of data sets, but c'est la vie), I guess I should point out that my first solution uses exactly 2 windowed functions, and can easily take the required number of consecutive 1s as a parameter. 🙂



  • No, it's well enough defined.

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