Finding a Columns Dependencies... in one DB .. or more than one

  • Hi,

    I need to find the dependencies(in & out both) on a particular column in a table... I know you can find for an object but how can we do the same for column... I need to find with reference to a particular db .. if you know a script that will be great... its part of design/changes we need to make to our system... if i can find it with respect to all db it would be great...


  • You should be able to use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine most if not all of the dependencies.  The views can be seen in the master db and used in any db by qualifying the reference with the db in which you are interested.  Check BOL for details...


    SELECT *



  • Well, I want to know the dependent objects like procedures,functions which use this column.... Will this INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE view help me get that apart from the column constraints??

    Thanks.. anyone else has seen something like this bfore.

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