finding gaps between termination date and next enrollment date and filter by gap >= 45 days for year 2013

  • Maybe something like this?


    CTE1 AS




    (PARTITION BY universalmemberid ORDER BY enrollmentdate),


    FROM #nj_members


    (enrollmentdate >= '1/1/2013' AND enrollmentdate < '2014-1-1')


    (terminationdate >= '1/1/2013' AND terminationdate < '2014-1-1')


    SELECT * FROM #nj_members

    WHERE universalmemberid NOT IN






    CTE1.universalmemberid = CTE2.universalmemberid

    AND CTE1.RN + 1 = CTE2.RN


    DATEDIFF(day, CTE1.terminationdate, CTE2.enrollmentdate) >= 45


    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • Hi autoexcrement!

    I would change this


    DATEDIFF(day, CTE1.terminationdate, CTE2.enrollmentdate) >= 45

    to this


    DATEDIFF(day, CTE1.terminationdate, CTE2.enrollmentdate) < 45

    to get the members with gap less than 45 days for 201, do you agree?

    I have to try to get my head around this.....sorry for being a bother!! 🙁


  • Sorry, I just corrected my last post. Can you try that code? It should work.

    If you want to do it the way you are suggesting, it will get a bit more complicated, because you not only need to find people with <45, you also need to find people with NO gap. So you would need to do a LEFT OUTER JOIN instead of INNER JOIN, and add a condition at the end for <45 or NULL.

    I think my version is simpler. But let me know if it works for you.

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • for clarification....what would you expect for these :

    INSERT INTO [nj_members] VALUES('abc','123',2013-01-01,2013-01-31)

    INSERT INTO [nj_members] VALUES('abc','123',2013-02-14,2013-03-31)

    INSERT INTO [nj_members] VALUES('abc','123',2013-04-14,2013-04-30)

    INSERT INTO [nj_members] VALUES('abc','123',2013-05-14,2013-12-31)

    INSERT INTO [nj_members] VALUES('xyz','999',2013-01-01,2013-06-30)

    INSERT INTO [nj_members] VALUES('xyz','999',2013-08-01,2013-11-30)

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • good morning autoexcrement!

    ok, I have tested the latest one you posted:


    CTE1 AS




    (PARTITION BY universalmemberid ORDER BY enrollmentdate),


    FROM #nj_members


    (enrollmentdate >= '1/1/2013' AND enrollmentdate < '2014-1-1')


    (terminationdate >= '1/1/2013' AND terminationdate < '2014-1-1')


    SELECT * FROM #nj_members

    WHERE universalmemberid NOT IN






    CTE1.universalmemberid = CTE2.universalmemberid

    AND CTE1.RN + 1 = CTE2.RN


    DATEDIFF(day, CTE1.terminationdate, CTE2.enrollmentdate) > 45


    and is giving me false positives on the live data like the following examples:

    universalmemberid enrollmentdate terminationdate

    1998JOHNNY 2010-10-01 00:00:00.000 2011-06-30 00:00:00.000

    1998JOHNNY 2011-07-01 00:00:00.000 2012-06-30 00:00:00.000

    1998JOHNNY 2012-07-01 00:00:00.000 2012-07-31 00:00:00.000

    1998JOHNNY 2012-09-01 00:00:00.000 2013-12-31 00:00:00.000

    0824RICHARD 2010-11-01 00:00:00.000 2011-02-28 00:00:00.000

    0824RICHARD 2012-04-01 00:00:00.000 2013-11-11 00:00:00.000

    0824RICHARD 2013-11-12 00:00:00.000 2013-12-31 00:00:00.000

    Okay, I modified your query by removing the = sign, because I'm looking for gap higher than 45 days.

    The member 1998JOHNNY has no gap bigger than 45 days. The member 0824RICHARD

    has correctly a gap bigger than 45 days where termination date is '2011-02-28' and the next enrollment date is '2012-04-01', but since it is outside of the desired year 2013.

    Shouldn't that be excluded?

    Thanks a lot, autoexcrement! 😎


  • All these examples you're posting now aren't in 2013.

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • Hi J Livingston!

    The member abc would be continuously enrolled, since adding the gaps, he has a total of 42 days gap, which is less than the 45 days allowed.

    The member yxz would be discarded since he has more than the 45 days allowed per year as gap to be continuously enrolled. Notice that I am checking the gap between '12/31/2013' which is not in the data, against the last termination date. This is because the member has to be continuously enrolled from '1/1/2013' until '12/31/2013'.

    Thanks J!

    Tammy 🙂

  • Tammy-274861 (7/11/2014)

    Hi J Livingston!

    The member yxz would be discarded since he has more than the 45 days allowed per year as gap to be continuously enrolled. Notice that I am checking the gap between '12/31/2013' which is not in the data, against the last termination date. This is because the member has to be continuously enrolled from '1/1/2013' until '12/31/2013'.

    Tammy 🙂

    so if someone enrols on 2nd Jan and terminates on 30th Dec...with no gaps.......they are to be excluded?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • If you are wanting to ADD all the gaps together per customer per year, then my code WILL NOT work. I thought you were looking for ANY SINGLE GAP of 45 days or larger.

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • Tammy-274861 (7/11/2014)

    Hi J Livingston!

    The member abc would be continuously enrolled, since adding the gaps, he has a total of 42 days gap, which is less than the 45 days allowed.

    The member yxz would be discarded since he has more than the 45 days allowed per year as gap to be continuously enrolled. Notice that I am checking the gap between '12/31/2013' which is not in the data, against the last termination date. This is because the member has to be continuously enrolled from '1/1/2013' until '12/31/2013'.

    Thanks J!

    Tammy 🙂

    try excludes MIKE cos he wasn't enrolled on 1/1/2013

    me thinks you need to provide a testing script that covers all your possible permutations.....

    DECLARE @year_start AS datetime;

    DECLARE @year_end AS datetime;

    SET @year_start = '2013-01-01';

    SET @year_end = DATEADD(year , 1 , @year_start) - 1;

    WITH ctemembers as (



    , CASE

    WHEN enrollmentdate < @year_start

    AND terminationdate >= @year_start THEN @year_start

    WHEN enrollmentdate > @year_end THEN NULL

    ELSE enrollmentdate

    END AS new_ED

    , CASE

    WHEN terminationdate > @year_end THEN @year_end

    ELSE terminationdate

    END AS new_TD

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY universalmemberid ORDER BY enrollmentdate) AS memrn

    FROM nj_members

    WHERE (terminationdate >= @year_start)

    AND (enrollmentdate <= @year_end)


    , cteselect as (

    SELECT universalmemberid

    FROM ctemembers

    GROUP BY universalmemberid

    HAVING (MIN(new_ED) = @year_start) AND (MAX(new_TD) = @year_end)


    SELECT c1.universalmemberid

    FROM ctemembers AS c1


    cteselect AS cs ON c1.universalmemberid = cs.universalmemberid


    ctemembers AS c2 ON c1.universalmemberid = c2.universalmemberid

    AND c1.memrn = c2.memrn + 1

    GROUP BY c1.universalmemberid

    HAVING (SUM(ISNULL(DATEDIFF(day , c2.new_TD , c1.new_ED) - 1 , 0)) <= 45);

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • First, to clarify. A person is considered continuously enrolled as long as the total of any gaps in enrollment are less than 45 days in the given calendar year.

    Based on this, try this:


    Member ids that should be returned from the initial sample data provided:








    create table dbo.Members(


    ENROLLMENTDATE datetime,




    insert into dbo.Members

    select 7777 ,'12/19/2011','10/31/2012' union all

    select 7777 ,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    select 8888 ,'10/1/2013','12/31/2013' union all

    select 8888 ,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    select 9999 ,'10/1/2012','10/8/2012' union all

    select 9999 ,'10/9/2012','12/31/2199' union all

    select 10000,'8/1/2013','9/11/2013' union all

    select 10000,'9/12/2013','12/31/2013' union all

    select 10000,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    select 11111,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    select 22222,'2/1/2013','8/31/2013' union all

    select 22222,'9/1/2013','12/31/2013' union all

    select 22222,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    select 33333,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    select 44444,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    select 55555,'9/1/2011','4/8/2012' union all

    select 55555,'4/9/2012','1/31/2013' union all

    select 55555,'2/1/2013','5/1/2013' union all

    select 55555,'6/2/2013','12/31/2199' union all

    select 66666,'10/1/2011','4/30/2012' union all

    select 66666,'5/1/2012','1/31/2013' union all

    select 66666,'2/1/2013','12/31/2013' union all

    select 66666,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    select 77777,'8/30/2011','2/29/2012' union all

    select 77777,'3/1/2012','8/31/2012' union all

    select 77777,'9/1/2012','12/31/2199' union all

    select 88888,'8/1/2011','5/31/2013' union all

    select 88888,'10/1/2013','12/31/2199';


    declare @WorkingYear int;

    set @WorkingYear = 2013;



    sum(datediff(day,case when ENROLLMENTDATE < dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900,0) then dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900,0) else ENROLLMENTDATE end,case when TERMINATIONDATE >= dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900 + 1,0) then dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900 + 1,-1) else TERMINATIONDATE end) + 1) as NumDays




    TERMINATIONDATE >= dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900,0) and

    ENROLLMENTDATE < dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900 + 1,0)

    group by



    365 - sum(datediff(day,case when ENROLLMENTDATE < dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900,0) then dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900,0) else ENROLLMENTDATE end,case when TERMINATIONDATE >= dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900 + 1,0) then dateadd(year,@WorkingYear - 1900 + 1,-1) else TERMINATIONDATE end) + 1) < 45;


    drop table dbo.Members;


  • Lynn Pettis (7/11/2014)

    First, to clarify. A person is considered continuously enrolled as long as the total of any gaps in enrollment are less than 45 days in the given calendar year.

    Based on this, try this:

    Lynn....should we be including 22222....wasn't enrolled at 01/01/2013 ???.......really think we need clarification

    select 22222,'2/1/2013','8/31/2013' union all

    select 22222,'9/1/2013','12/31/2013' union all

    select 22222,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    OP has said previously

    This is because the member has to be continuously enrolled from '1/1/2013' until '12/31/2013'.

    ,,,still pondering

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (7/11/2014)

    Lynn Pettis (7/11/2014)

    First, to clarify. A person is considered continuously enrolled as long as the total of any gaps in enrollment are less than 45 days in the given calendar year.

    Based on this, try this:

    Lynn....should we be including 22222....wasn't enrolled at 01/01/2013 ???.......really think we need clarification

    select 22222,'2/1/2013','8/31/2013' union all

    select 22222,'9/1/2013','12/31/2013' union all

    select 22222,'1/1/2014','12/31/2199' union all

    OP has said previously

    This is because the member has to be continuously enrolled from '1/1/2013' until '12/31/2013'.

    ,,,still pondering

    From the original post:

    I cannot have more than 1 gap of 45 days or less to count these members as continuously enrolled. To clarify the gap only applies to the measurement year i.e. any time between 1/1/2013 and 12/31/2013.

    Memberid 22222 was not enrolled from 2013-01-01 to 2013-01-31, but was enrolled from 2013-02-01 to 2013-08-31 and 2013-09-01 to 2013-12-31. The only gap is January and that is only 31 days, which is below the 45 day threshold.

  • Memberid 22222 was not enrolled from 2013-01-01 to 2013-01-31, but was enrolled from 2013-02-01 to 2013-08-31 and 2013-09-01 to 2013-12-31. The only gap is January and that is only 31 days, which is below the 45 day threshold.

    fair enough...follow your for OP to confirm I spose.

    thanks for feed back

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Looking back it looks like the OP may have been on the forums when I posted my solution. Will have to wait and see.

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