FInding results when looking for spaces

  • I am searching a table looking for instances of a field being broken with spaces.

    eg. select blar blar from blar blar where textvalue like '% \f %'

    (note the spaces between the %)

    I know there are results matching this criteria, but the query comes back blank !


    Can anyone help ???

  • Paul,

    You could try using CHARINDEX (take a look in BOL) like this:

    SELECT myCol FROM myTable WHERE CHARINDEX( ' ', myCol, 1 ) > 0

    There is a space in between the apostrophes, honest!!


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  • Can you show us some data that does contain that string?  For my little test, it does work.

    DECLARE @WordSearch TABLE( Word varchar(100))

    INSERT INTO @WordSearch

    SELECT 'This string has \f in it'


    SELECT 'This string has |\f in it'


    SELECT 'This string does not have the text searched for in it'

    SELECT * FROM @WordSearch WHERE Word LIKE '% \f %'


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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