Firing events from Script Component

  • I am currently trying to fire warnings from inside the a script component.

    I have tried both



    Dim myMetadata As IDTSComponentMetaData100 = Me.ComponentMetaData


    neither makes the warning shows up in the Execution results.

    Couldn't find anything on the subject so any help is appreciated

    Thiago Dantas

  • Using a Script task to dump text to the console is not front-and-center in SSIS because that's not what the SSIS design team had in mind in terms of logging in SSIS. All good programming frameworks will steer developers away from doing things the architects did not want them to do 🙂

    Why not use one of the logging providers in SSIS to log to a text file or to a centralized logging table?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I got it working, this will not be my logging strategy, i just wanted to peek inside whats happening inside the Script component

    Thiago Dantas

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