First and last values before a partition change

  • give the following data set:

    create table #t (CustomerID INT, Stage int, GroupStage int, FromDt date, ToDt date);

    insert #t
        (1001, 1, 1, '2017-01-02', '2017-02-01'),
        (1001, 2, 1, '2017-02-02', '2017-03-01'),
        (1001, 3, 2, '2017-03-02', '2017-04-01'),
        (1001, 4, 2, '2017-04-02', '2017-05-01'),
        (1001, 5, 2, '2017-05-02', '2017-06-01'),
        (1001, 6, 1, '2017-06-02', '2017-07-01');

    I need to find the From Date and To Date of each distinct period of their GroupStage. so the desired result is:

    1001, 1, '2017-01-02', '2017-03-01'
    1001, 2, '2017-03-02', '2017-06-01'
    1001, 1, '2017-06-02', '2017-07-01'

    everything i try includes the last row in the first grouping. this is where i got to:

    select CustomerID,
        FIRST_VALUE([FromDt]) over (Partition by CustomerId, GroupStage order by FromDt) as FirstDate,
        LAST_VALUE([ToDt]) over (Partition by CustomerId, GroupStage order by FromDt ) as LastDate1,
        LAST_VALUE([ToDt]) over (Partition by CustomerId, GroupStage order by FromDt rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as LastDate2,
        LAST_VALUE([ToDt]) over (Partition by CustomerId, GroupStage order by FromDt rows between current row and unbounded following) as LastDate3,
        LAST_VALUE([ToDt]) over (Partition by CustomerId, GroupStage order by FromDt rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as LastDate4
    from #t
    ORDER BY FromDt

    It's clear from my results that the ORDER doesn't affect the PARTITION.
    I've been pulling my hair out for a week over this, and i'm on the verge of using a cursor - that's how desperate it has gotten!
    Any help much appreciated

  • Looks like a Groups and Islands problem.

    Using an Example the "lovely" Luis (I think it was Luis, if not, I apologise!) gave me awhile ago, this should give you what your looking for:

    WITH Islands AS (
      SELECT *,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CustomerID, Stage, GroupStage) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID, GroupStage ORDER BY Stage) AS Grp
      FROM #t)
    SELECT CustomerID,
           MIN(FromDt) AS FromDate,
           MAX(ToDt) AS ToDate
    FROM Islands
    GROUP BY CustomerID,
    ORDER BY FromDate ASC;

    Found the old post, it was Drew!


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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