First day and last day of week from week number

  • I want the first day and last day of week and then look at last day of week to compare with cureent date, if passed then do calculations.

    From date I can get by this:

    DECLARE @Date datetime

    SET @Date = getdate()


    SELECT @@DATEFIRST AS '1st Day', DATEPART(dw, @Date ) AS 'Today'

     , dateadd(dd, 1 - DATEPART(dw, @Date ), @Date -7)  as FirstDateofWeek

     , dateadd(dd, 7- DATEPART(dw, @Date ), @Date -7)  as LastDateofWeek

     , cast(datepart(wk, @Date) as varchar) as weeknumber

    But, I don't have date  and have only week number 40 ( no date), how do I get first day and the last day of week number 40?


  • To get Monday's date giving the number of weeks since the beginning of the yearm, try

    Declare @Weeks integer

    , @YearStart datetime

    set @Weeks = 37

    set @YearStart = '2003-01-01'

    select MondayOfWeek = WeekDate

    + CASE DATEPART(dw, WeekDate)

    WHEN 1 then +1 -- Sun

    WHEN 2 then 0 -- Mon

    WHEN 3 then -1 -- Tue

    WHEN 4 then -2 -- Wed

    WHEN 5 then -3 -- Thu

    WHEN 6 then -4 -- Fri

    WHEN 7 then -5 -- Sat

    else null


    FROM (select dateadd(wk, @Weeks , @YearStart))

    as W (WeekDate)

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

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