First Occurrence for Each Client Phone Number

  • Hello -

    I'm trying to find the first occurrence of a Phone Number (descending sort by Active Date) FOR EACH Client Number (Client_StaffID).

    The table ([t_PhoneMail])is essentially as follows:

    [Client_StaffID] [int] NOT NULL ,

    [PhoneMailID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

    [PhoneNumber_Email] [nvarchar] (80) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

    [Extension] [nvarchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

    [PhoneTypeID] [int] NULL ,

    [ActiveDate] [datetime] NULL, ...

    Client_StaffID is a foreign key to the Client Table. There can be multiple phone numbers for each client, which can change over time (New numbers added or old ones deactivated). I want the most recent phone number (within each Phone Type) for Each Client_StaffID.

    Anybody have a quick and easy solution (preferably a View or an SP). Any help is appreciated (need to finish up ASP.NET/SQL Server 2000 project this week).

    Thanks, Allan.

  • Try this

    SELECT PM.Client_StaffId,
    FROM t_PhoneMail PM
    WHERE PM.PhoneMailID =
    (SELECT TOP 1 TPM.PhoneMailId
    WHERE TPM.Client_StaffID = PM.ClientStaffID
    AND TPM.PhoneTypeID = PM.PhoneTypeID
    ORDER BY ActiveDate ASC)

    Might need some work on the ORDER BY clause.

    Edited by - NPeeters on 09/01/2003 06:13:29 AM

  • Thanks. Here's the final version that works for me:

    SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT Client_StaffID, PhoneMailID, PhoneNumber_Email, Extension, PhoneTypeID

    FROM dbo.t_PhoneMail PM

    WHERE (PhoneMailID =

    (SELECT TOP 1 TPM.PhoneMailId

    FROM dbo.t_PhoneMail TPM

    WHERE TPM.Client_StaffID = PM.Client_StaffID AND TPM.PhoneTypeID = PM.PhoneTypeID

    ORDER BY ActiveDate DESC)) AND (PhoneTypeID = 1)

    ORDER BY Client_StaffID

    Note that PhoneTypeID = 1 means Home Phone, 2 means Mobile Phone, 3 means Work Phone, 4 means Email Address, and 5 means FAX Number. (For those of you who need to know :-)).

    Thanks again, Allan.

  • Allan, great that I got you off in the right direction. I can see my (stupid) error now...

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