First of last user reply to time diff on first to last tech reply

  • I have the following set of data

    DTime id ticketid actionlog

    2012-05-09 05:24:58.000 13957 1298 created

    2012-05-09 08:36:05.000 13967 1298 reply_tech

    2012-05-09 08:46:04.000 13968 1298 reply_tech

    2012-05-09 09:08:03.000 13972 1298 reply_user

    2012-05-09 09:41:04.000 13976 1298 reply_user

    2012-05-09 09:50:03.000 13979 1298 reply_user

    2012-05-09 09:52:45.000 13982 1298 reply_tech

    2012-05-09 09:58:05.000 13986 1298 reply_user

    2012-05-10 01:02:04.000 14008 1298 reply_user

    2012-05-10 13:50:59.000 14019 1298 reply_tech

    2012-05-10 13:55:50.000 14021 1298 reply_tech

    2012-05-10 14:02:04.000 14023 1298 reply_user

    I need to get a result set of the measure of time difference from the first user action in a potential group of user interactions, to the first tech interaction in a group of tech interactions, in a series of both tech and user interactions. Of the data above, there would be three numbers in the result set from the select:




    This would be obtained by a calculation of this:

    select convert(varchar(10),dateadd(second,datediff(second,'first user reply after last tech reply','first tech reply after first user reply after previous tech reply'),'1900-01-01'),8)

    The actual values that would be calculated would be:

    select convert(varchar(10),dateadd(second,datediff(second,'2012-05-09 05:24:58.000','2012-05-09 08:36:05.000'),'1900-01-01'),8)

    select convert(varchar(10),dateadd(second,datediff(second,'2012-05-09 09:08:03.000','2012-05-09 09:52:45.000'),'1900-01-01'),8)

    select convert(varchar(10),dateadd(second,datediff(second,'2012-05-09 09:58:05.000','2012-05-10 13:50:59.000'),'1900-01-01'),8)

    Anyone have a script on how I could I mine out those date/time stamps as highlighted above (red to orange)? I have been using row_number over partition actionlog order by dtime,actionlog and a recursive CTE, but I can't seem to filter out the unwanted records.

    create table #tmpmatt(DTime datetime,id int,ticketid int, actionlog varchar(20))

    insert #tmpmatt

    select '2012-05-09 05:24:58.000',13957,1298,'created'

    union all

    select '2012-05-09 08:36:05.000',13967,1298,'reply_tech'

    union all

    select '2012-05-09 08:46:04.000',13968,1298,'reply_tech'

    union all

    select '2012-05-09 09:08:03.000',13972,1298,'reply_user'

    union all

    select '2012-05-09 09:41:04.000',13976,1298,'reply_user'

    union all

    select '2012-05-09 09:50:03.000',13979,1298,'reply_user'

    union all

    select '2012-05-09 09:52:45.000',13982,1298,'reply_tech'

    union all

    select '2012-05-09 09:58:05.000',13986,1298,'reply_user'

    union all

    select '2012-05-10 01:02:04.000',14008,1298,'reply_user'

    union all

    select '2012-05-10 13:50:59.000',14019,1298,'reply_tech'

    union all

    select '2012-05-10 13:55:50.000',14021,1298,'reply_tech'

    union all

    select '2012-05-10 14:02:04.000',14023,1298,'reply_user'

    select * from #tmpmatt

  • Beh... feel dirty... resorted to loop instead of set based. If anyone has a set based with window functions in 2005 that is cleaner, I'd love to see it.

    What I went with:

    --drop table #tmpmatt

    --drop table #tmpmatt2

    SELECT * INTO #tmpMatt

    FROM OPENQUERY(deskprob,'

    select FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp) as DTime,










    from ticket_log

    where DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -50 DAY) < FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)

    and actionlog in (''reply_tech'',''reply_user'',''created'')

    ORDER BY ticketID, id


    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ticketid ORDER BY dtime) AS tickID_rownum,

    DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ticketid) AS ticketRank,


    INTO #tmpmatt2

    FROM #tmpmatt

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT CASE WHEN actionlog = 'reply_tech' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END AS techoruser) AS techuser

    ORDER BY ticketid, dtime;

    DECLARE @table TABLE(userStartID INT, dtUser datetime, techStartID INT, dtTech datetime, vcTimeDiff varchar(10), TicketID INT)

    DECLARE @maxtickRank INT,

    @currRankNum INT

    DECLARE @maxtickRankInner INT,

    @currRankNumInner INT

    DECLARE @idUser INT,

    @idTech INT,

    @TicketID INT,

    @dtUser datetime,

    @dtTech datetime,

    @vcTimediff varchar(10)

    SELECT @maxtickRank = MAX(ticketrank),

    @currRankNum = 1

    FROM #tmpmatt2

    WHILE @currRankNum <= @maxtickRank


    SELECT @maxtickRankInner = MAX(tickid_rownum),

    @currRankNumInner = 1

    FROM #tmpmatt2

    WHERE ticketrank = @currRankNum

    WHILE @currRankNumInner <= @maxtickRankInner


    SELECT @idUser = id, @dtUser = DTime FROM #tmpmatt2

    WHERE ticketrank = @currRankNum

    AND tickid_rownum = @currRankNumInner

    AND techoruser = 1

    AND (tickid_rownum - 1) <> ISNULL(( SELECT tickid_rownum FROM #tmpmatt2

    WHERE ticketrank = @currRankNum

    AND tickid_rownum = @currRankNumInner - 1

    AND techoruser = 1 ),9999)

    IF NOT @idUser IS NULL


    SELECT TOP 1 @idTech = id,

    @TicketID = TicketID,

    @dtTech = DTime

    FROM #tmpmatt2

    WHERE ticketrank = @currRankNum

    AND techoruser = 2

    AND id > @idUser

    ORDER BY tickID_rownum

    IF NOT @idTech IS NULL


    INSERT @table

    SELECT @idUser, @dtUser, @idtech, @dtTech, convert(varchar(10),dateadd(second,datediff(second,@dtUser,@dtTech),'1900-01-01'),8), @ticketID



    SELECT @idUser = NULL, @idtech = NULL, @TicketID = null, @dtUser = null, @dtTech = null

    SELECT @currRankNumInner = @currRankNumInner + 1


    SELECT @currRankNum = @currRankNum + 1


    SELECT * FROM @table ORDER BY TicketID

    SELECT * FROM #tmpmatt2

  • This may provide you the results set you seek:

    ;WITH CTE AS (

    SELECT DTime, id, ticketid, actionlog

    ,( SELECT TOP 1 DTime

    FROM #tmpmatt b

    WHERE a.actionlog <> b.actionlog and a.DTime < b.DTime

    ORDER BY ticketid, DTime) As DTime2

    ,( SELECT TOP 1 actionlog

    FROM #tmpmatt b

    WHERE a.DTime > b.DTime

    ORDER BY ticketid, DTime DESC) As actionlog2

    FROM #tmpmatt a


    SELECT id, ticketid, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(second,DATEDIFF(second,DTime,DTime2),'1900-01-01'),8)


    WHERE actionlog IN ('created', 'reply_user') and DTime2 IS NOT NULL and

    (actionlog2 <> actionlog OR actionlog2 IS NULL)

    ORDER BY DTime

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=

  • Thanks much Dwain! I will try it out when I get the free moment and see where it goes!

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