First SQl job were you nervous?

  • Bit late to this, but congratulations! How's it going- have you started yet?

  • Thanks, not yet the company is waiting on a contract. Just gives me time to brush up the skillz:-D

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Your post must have been good luck. I get my official offer on monday. Start in 2 weeks:-D

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Congratulations!


  • Good luck!

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Congratulations! Hoping I can find a position working from home when I redeploy from Afghanistan. Would be awesome.

  • @Lynn,the company I will be working for is getting overwhelmed right now. Thats why they decided to go ahead and hire me without the specific contract for a paticular db that I would be working on. They said they had plenty of other work with the other vendors they support. They have like 450 old crystal reports that need to be converted to SSRS plus the ones filling the work que's daily. I also know of another company that I got an offer from thats looking for basically anyone with t-Sql knowledge for both DBA's and Developers. I know most of the Developers get to work from home, not sure about the DBA's though

    These are Healthcare based companies. If I hear of any DBA or Developer positions would you like me to forward you the info?

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • @Everyone else thanks so much. I just want to continue to learn and produce good product. Really want to make my Sql brothers and sisters proud!:-D

    Working from home is going to be very, very nice. I am currently creating my new office setup. I'll post pictures as soon as I get it done.

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • thomashohner (6/21/2014)

    @Lynn,the company I will be working for is getting overwhelmed right now. Thats why they decided to go ahead and hire me without the specific contract for a paticular db that I would be working on. They said they had plenty of other work with the other vendors they support. They have like 450 old crystal reports that need to be converted to SSRS plus the ones filling the work que's daily. I also know of another company that I got an offer from thats looking for basically anyone with t-Sql knowledge for both DBA's and Developers. I know most of the Developers get to work from home, not sure about the DBA's though

    These are Healthcare based companies. If I hear of any DBA or Developer positions would you like me to forward you the info?

    That would be great. I have been keeping an eye on the markets at home and not that great at the moment. Denver seems to be picking up and Phoenix and Kansas City seem pretty hot at the moment. I'd prefer to be closer to home with my youngest still in high school.

    Just working on borrowed time at the moment since my position back home with my current employer was terminated back in September. Always good to have job at the moment with my middle daughter in college and I am helping with the tuition.

    Out here our DBA and Development is basically all done remotely. I don't even have access to our physical servers, only the SA's do.

  • @Lynn just let me know when your ready for the info, I know of two companies right now that are growing fast and both use SQL server. I'm just south of you in Albuquerque. I saw you are from Colorado Springs. I have been trying to convince my wife to move to Denver or the Springs as I really like Colorado.

    When are you due back in the states?

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • thomashohner (6/21/2014)

    @Lynn just let me know when your ready for the info, I know of two companies right now that are growing fast and both use SQL server. I'm just south of you in Albuquerque. I saw you are from Colorado Springs. I have been trying to convince my wife to move to Denver or the Springs as I really like Colorado.

    When are you due back in the states?

    Except for a 2 week fly through over Christmas/New Year's I won't be back until the end of February 2015 as it currently stands. Rumors have it the company is making a major announcement in September so even that could be changing.

    I am a born and raised Colorado native. I love Colorado. I'd prefer to stay in Colorado Springs if at all possible.

  • thomashohner (6/21/2014)

    Your post must have been good luck. I get my official offer on monday. Start in 2 weeks:-D


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  • thomashohner (6/21/2014)

    Your post must have been good luck. I get my official offer on monday. Start in 2 weeks:-D

    Good luck

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Good luck from me too!

  • Congrats!

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