Foreign Key/Primary Key GRRR!

  • You didn't say it was a reporting db -- which might have led to the question, Is it necessary to maintain the production relationships in the first place?

  • ... Is it necessary to maintain the production relationships in the first place ...

    - maybe not the actual FK's , but certainly keep the FK-indexes because They will speed up queries !



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  • So you will come to my solution !

    In Theory, theory and practice are the same...In practice, they are not.

    What I meant with keeping prod relationships was, for reporting purposes, it's not always the best/fastest way to get at the data. We pre-aggregate some data on the way to the reporting server.

  • That's a big 10-4

    During pre-aggregate phase, the fk-indexes will speed up the queries wherever possible. The relationships themselves indeed can be dropped.

    Keep in mind, that declaring a foreign key doesn't create an index to support the foreign key !

    If they are needed/wanted at "reporting" mode that's up to you.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

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