Form etc Rescaler for Access 2003 mdb and adp

  • Has anybody used rescaling software they can recommend.

    I'm looking for databases to retain a standard scale regardless of screen resolution.  I've seen Shrinkstretcher on the Web and a couple of others.  I've tried free software by Jamie Czernik which seemed great with maximized forms - but not so good with subforms.

    It needs to work in a multi user  environment



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  • Probably the main reason you're not getting much response is that there is not much enthusiasm for resizing forms on the fly. As you've seen, it's hard to do right. As a result, most developers who work in a multi-user environment tend to design for the "lowest common denominator", i.e. 800x600

    I fooled around with this briefly a few years ago. Others may disagree, of course, but I came to the conclusion that it just isn't worth it.



  • I agree with George.  Scaling / rescaling is a nightmare unless you have a photographic memory, deal well in the realm of X/Y coordinates and understand that you will have to added an enormous overhead to your applications.

    Now, that being said, there are some options that can be executed in code.  The basic rule is this, make sure that the forms and fields/labels are wide enough for the highest denominator and for the lowest denominator (eg. screen resolutions)

    Create a table that identifies all of the forms you will be using in the application.

    Write a function that loops through each form name in the application.  In the on-open of the application, determine the current resolution or give the user a choice.  Store that result in a global variable. Then, within the function, Open each form and use the with operand

    If gvSize = 1 then 'this is a computer that uses 800 x 600

    with currentform

        with current section

            with currentfield


        .font = "arial"

        .fontsize = "8"

        .width = "2.00"

    end with


    Now, if you want to use a pct factor then establish variables and pass the values of to the with statements  as :

    strwidth = currentfield.fontsize * .75

    .fontsize = strwidth

    either way a big pain.  Better to follow George's recomendations.  My suggestion is better suited to user defined "skins" / color -schemes and "Pop Up" capabilities when I want to change the entire application programatically.



  • Hi George, Mike

    For some reason my email didn't send me the responses to this question.  I guess I thought I wouldn't get any and just let it go....

    So, now I have picked it up I would like to thank you both for taking the time and trouble to comment on this.

    Just as a matter of interest, I've been pointed at some code that does a good chunk of this for you.  I was wondering if anybody has used it and found it works well.......

    The code can be found on:

    Many thanks



  • As an additional resource, I highly recommend Stephen Lebans' website. He has a lot of great tricks for making forms do exactly what you want them to.

  • Thanks, Marshall

    I'll check it out.


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