forming a dynamic query

  • have a sp with 4 parameters the values of this parameters is obtained from application

    currently i have

    @transfrmdt date,

    @transtodt date,

    @cid integer,

    @Type char(1)

    DEClare @strqry varchar(max)

    DEClare @STR varchar(max)

    If (@Type<>'')


    SET @strqry= @strqry +' and type='''+@Type+''''


    If (@cname<>'')


    SET @strqry= @strqry +'select name from Mas_C where cid='''+@cid+''''


    SET @STR =' SELECT convert(varchar (10),transdt,111)as Transdt,amt

    FROM Transcation WHERE 1=1

    and Transdt between convert(varchar (10),@transfrmdt,111) and convert(varchar (10),@transtodt,111) '


    print @STR


    SELECT sum(Amt) as TotalAmt

    FROM Transcation WHERE Transdt between convert(varchar (10),@transfrmdt,111) and convert(varchar (10),@transtodt,111)

    i am not getting the result

  • ssurekha2000 (5/1/2014)

    have a sp with 4 parameters the values of this parameters is obtained from application

    currently i have

    @transfrmdt date,

    @transtodt date,

    @cid integer,

    @Type char(1)

    DEClare @strqry varchar(max)

    DEClare @STR varchar(max)

    If (@Type<>'')


    SET @strqry= @strqry +' and type='''+@Type+''''


    If (@cname<>'')


    SET @strqry= @strqry +'select name from Mas_C where cid='''+@cid+''''


    SET @STR =' SELECT convert(varchar (10),transdt,111)as Transdt,amt

    FROM Transcation WHERE 1=1

    and Transdt between convert(varchar (10),@transfrmdt,111) and convert(varchar (10),@transtodt,111) '


    print @STR


    SELECT sum(Amt) as TotalAmt

    FROM Transcation WHERE Transdt between convert(varchar (10),@transfrmdt,111) and convert(varchar (10),@transtodt,111)

    i am not getting the result

    I take it that print @STR does not give you the query you are looking for. I suspect that you need to look at the order in which you are building up the string.

    Initially you SET @strqry= @strqry +' and type='''+@Type+'''' then you set it to 'select name from Mas_C where cid='''+@cid+''''

    From what I can see you need to swap the order of these, also it might help to set a value for @strqry then add any "where " filters later.

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  • swap what?

    i am not getting any results

  • What is the result of print @STR ?

    I think it will be empty as you are building @strqry up with a potential outcome that it will be null. When you add the to @STR you will end up with a null string and therefore no query to run.

    The following is one way round the problem

    @transfrmdt date,

    @transtodt date,

    @cid integer,

    @Type char(1)

    DEClare @strqry varchar(max)

    DEClare @STR varchar(max)

    set @strqry= 'select name from Mas_C where 1 = 1 '

    If (@Type<>'')


    SET @strqry= @strqry +' and type='''+@Type+''''


    If (@cname<>'')


    SET @strqry= @strqry +' and cid='''+@cid+''''


    SET @STR =' SELECT convert(varchar (10),transdt,111)as Transdt,amt

    FROM Transcation WHERE 1=1

    and Transdt between convert(varchar (10),@transfrmdt,111) and convert(varchar (10),@transtodt,111) '


    print @STR


    SELECT sum(Amt) as TotalAmt

    FROM Transcation WHERE Transdt between convert(varchar (10),@transfrmdt,111) and convert(varchar (10),@transtodt,111)

    (Edited to add)

    I ran the query above (with @type and @cname as empty) and got the following:-

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), transdt, 111) AS Transdt ,


    FROM Transcation

    WHERE 1 = 1

    AND Transdt BETWEEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @transfrmdt, 111)

    AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @transtodt, 111)

    SELECT name

    FROM Mas_C

    WHERE 1 = 1

    I'm not sure if you wanted two separate queries, or if you wanted to have the second as a filter for name.

    -------------------------------Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden [/url]Smart way to ask a question
    There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand (the world). There is no such thing as a dumb question. ― Carl Sagan
    I would never join a club that would allow me as a member - Groucho Marx

  • Two major issues with the way you are writing this. The first and the biggest issue is this is wide open to sql injection. You should NEVER directly execute a parameter. I realize that with the datatypes of the parameters you are not at great risk currently but this approach is extremely dangerous. You can and should parameterize your dynamic sql instead of building up a string and executing it.

    Secondly you have the potential for some performance issues. This is a type of "catch all" query. Take a look at this post from Gail.[/url]

    She explains clearly how to deal with this type of query and properly parameterize the dynamic sql.


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  • You forgot to initialise @strqry to something other than null. Since it ultimately gets concatenated to everything, the end result is null.

    You've got three completely separate queries in there. What are you trying to do?

    How about posting what you expect to see from the PRINT statement?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • i think query is unclear

    Transcation tbl has transcationdate, amount and cid

    Mas_C has cid and cname

    Transcation date displayed will be from & todate passed from the application

    1) the output needed is in all conditions

    transcationdate, amount

    if @<>type''

    output shld be transcationdate, amount

    if @cid<>''

    output shld be transcationdate, amount cname

  • Please post your table structure and some sample data and what is your desired output

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  • ssurekha2000 (5/1/2014)

    i think query is unclear

    Transcation tbl has transcationdate, amount and cid

    Mas_C has cid and cname

    Transcation date displayed will be from & todate passed from the application

    1) the output needed is in all conditions

    transcationdate, amount

    if @<>type''

    output shld be transcationdate, amount

    if @cid<>''

    output shld be transcationdate, amount cname

    It's unclear what you want to do. You almost certainly don't need dynamic sql. How many result sets are you expecting from this? Try to write the query(ies) without using dynamic sql and post back if it doesn't work.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • its not necessary to have dynamic sql

    i had tried with normal query but didnot work so tried iwith dynamic sql

    the out needed is display

    1) date,amt with the given date range

    2) conditional where clause ie if @type<>'' then

    select * from tbl where date between @frmdt and @todt and type=@type

    if @cid<>'' then

    select * from tbl where date between @frmdt and @todt and cid=@cid

    if both not blank

    select * from tbl where date between @frmdt and @todt and cid=@cid and type=@type

    and both blank then

    select * from tbl where date between @frmdt and @todt

  • You have three options: dynamic sql, a catch-all query, or using IF blocks to test the parameters and run whichever query fits the parameters.

    Catch-all queries are popular but come with a cost, which you can read about here[/url].

    Using IF blocks is almost always the most performant method but you then have to maintain a number of queries each differing only in the WHERE clause.

    Dynamic sql can certainly deal with your requirement but usually require a little more work than the other two methods. Try composing the different queries corresponding to the different parameters, something like your last post but with real column and table names, then use this as a template for building and testing your dynamic sql. Test each piece using PRINT.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Sean Lange (5/1/2014)

    The first and the biggest issue is this is wide open to sql injection.

    In most cases, I'd strongly agree with you but... with two DATE, one INT, and one CHAR(1) parameters, I'd have to say that SQL Injection is impossible for the given code.

    As to whether or not dynamic SQL is required for the original query or not goes, I'd have to agree with you and the others... NOT. 🙂

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  • Jeff Moden (5/6/2014)

    Sean Lange (5/1/2014)

    The first and the biggest issue is this is wide open to sql injection.

    In most cases, I'd strongly agree with you but... with two DATE, one INT, and one CHAR(1) parameters, I'd have to say that SQL Injection is impossible for the given code.

    As to whether or not dynamic SQL is required for the original query or not goes, I'd have to agree with you and the others... NOT. 🙂

    The question is too vague and unstructured to provide anything more than a guess, so here goes:

    IF @type <> '' AND @cid <> ''

    SELECT * FROM tbl

    WHERE [date] BETWEEN @frmdt AND @todt

    AND cid = @cid

    AND [type] = @type

    IF @type <> ''

    SELECT * FROM tbl

    WHERE [date] BETWEEN @frmdt AND @todt

    AND [type] = @type

    IF @cid <> ''

    SELECT * FROM tbl

    WHERE [date] BETWEEN @frmdt AND @todt

    AND cid = @cid

    IF @type = '' AND @cid = ''

    SELECT * FROM tbl

    WHERE [date] BETWEEN @frmdt AND @todt

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Jeff Moden (5/6/2014)

    Sean Lange (5/1/2014)

    The first and the biggest issue is this is wide open to sql injection.

    In most cases, I'd strongly agree with you but... with two DATE, one INT, and one CHAR(1) parameters, I'd have to say that SQL Injection is impossible for the given code.

    As to whether or not dynamic SQL is required for the original query or not goes, I'd have to agree with you and the others... NOT. 🙂

    Yes I even said as much in my post. However, the OP is struggling with a concept here and we all know what happens when you have dynamic sql that is working and somebody comes along and adds another value to the mix. At some point they will add a varchar to the mix and because the initial work was done in a format that allows it this will be wide open. Or the other side of that is that they will use this same technique on another process because it worked here. I am just trying to help the OP learn a better way of doing this so that in the future their code will be safe. 🙂


    fixed a spelling error.


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  • Could someone include the "how" and "why" that dynamic SQL is vulnerable to SQL injection ?

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