Forum Subscriptions

  • Maybe I just haven't found the method yet, but I think it would be nice to be able to subscribe to a Forum and be notified anytime a new Topic is added.  Currently I can subscribe to a specific topic within a forum and be notified anytime a new post occurs in that topic.  While I enjoy browsing all the forums occasionally I find that my area of expertise is limited to only a couple of general areas and it would be nice to know when new topics in those areas are created then if I have the free time I can pop in a see if I can be of assistance. 


  • i like the idea too

  • Excellent idea, but it is probably tied into the software design. Maybe you could ask how the moderators are notified... or ask to be a moderator

  • No moderators on the site. The volume was too heavy to let someone be responsible for looking at them.

    That is a good idea and we've talked about it, but it wasn't implemented in the software we bought and we didn't want to "touch" it that much. I'll pass this along to the developers.

  • Thanks Steve.  Even though there is always room for improvement, I thought I'd take the opportunity to let you know I think the site is great!  It has been a real life saver at times, a great place to learn something new other times and a place to be able to give something back after all the years of getting help from others.


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