Foxpro DBF File import - missing data on final import?

  • This one bit me lately. I pulled in a bunch of data using Integration Services to read the DBF files directly using the Fox 9 OLEDB driver. However, when I compared the data imported vs the original file, I found that I was missing 590 records from the original dataset.

    I ended up using Foxpro to export the data to a flat file and importing from that to recover the missing records. I'm glad this was caught early, but I'm wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences or knows how to work around the issue.


    -Pete Schott

  • Was any data related to constraints or indexes?  If so, was any of the data using high-order byte values (non-ASCII)?  We had problems importing data that was encrypted using high-order byte values.  We had to use the "Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver" to import that data properly.

  • Not that I could see. When I exported to Excel and re-imported the missing records, I didn't see anything odd with the data. I just noticed that it was missing when someone realized that there was data missing from the original program. I was able to recover, but it definitely makes me more wary of using SSIS for importing Foxpro data.

  • We ran into an opposite problem. We discovered that more data than normal was imported and found that records that were marked for deletion were imported. We ended up changing the import so that the select statement contained "where not deleted()" to exclude data marked for deletion.

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