Free disk space on all servers?

  • Hello,

    I´ve been searching for some way to monitor free disk space on all my servers, not only the SqlServer.

    Have seen a lot of articles covering this subject but only on the sqlserver.

    Is there a way to achieve this?

    Most thankful for any help!


  • There are lots of ways, depending on your budget. The best solution would be to get some sort of monitoring software such as Patrol or HP OpenView. These will tell you alot more than just free disk space, but they tend to be very expensive.

    A cheaper alternative is to write some Windows Script files to check the diskspace and send e-mails at certain levels. This isn't too difficult, but it does require some programming knowledge and may be a pain to maintain.

    How many servers do you need to monitor?

  • If you're using HP/Compaq servers, you can use Insight Manager 7, which is free. It also monitors critical hardware alerts such as temperature, power supply failures, etc. I'm sure Dell has something similar.

    K. Brian Kelley, GSEC

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hi,

    Well i could make a small program in c++, c#, vb or similar but i

    got some nice mailing-functions running along with other monitoring

    procedures so i thought i could use Sql-server to do my work...

    Good to have all small apps/procs/jobs in one place, easy to maintain.

    Got 4 servers running, one with Sql the others for mail, web and applications.


  • You can use Servers Alive (, it's free for up to 10 alerts.

    It can monitor disk space, services, processes, databases, ping servers, etc.

  • PRINT 'Author : Ricky Petilla / Dave Yoder'

    PRINT 'Purpose: Identify drives at are below 500 MB free space.'

    PRINT 'Written: 2003/07/28 Version 1.0'

    use RBSAVE


    create table psdrivesfreespace


    ASOFDATE datetime,

    MACHINE varchar(15),

    DRIVE varchar(2),

    MB varchar(7)



    set nocount on

    create table #allpsdrives (

    machine varchar(15),

    drive varchar(2))

    create table #dir1 (

    freespace varchar(120))

    create table #dir2 (

    machine varchar(15),

    drive varchar(2),

    freespace bigint)

    insert into #allpsdrives values ('\\server01\','c$')

    insert into #allpsdrives values ('\\server01\','d$')

    insert into #allpsdrives values ('\\server01\','e$')

    insert into #allpsdrives values ('\\server01\','f$')

    insert into #allpsdrives values ('\\server02\','c$')

    insert into #allpsdrives values ('\\server02\','d$')

    insert into #allpsdrives values ('\\server02\','e$')

    insert into #allpsdrives values ('\\server02\','f$')


    @t_machine varchar(15),

    @t_drive char(3),

    @t_freespace bigint,

    @f_freespace bigint,

    @s_command varchar(100),

    @f_command varchar(80)

    DECLARE psdrive_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT machine, drive

    FROM #allpsdrives

    order by machine, drive

    OPEN psdrive_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM psdrive_cursor

    INTO @t_machine, @t_drive



    set @s_command = '\\server01\d$\mssql\batch\dirs.bat'

    set @f_command = @s_command + ' ' + @t_machine + @t_drive

    delete from #dir1

    insert into #dir1

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @f_command

    delete from #dir1

    where freespace not like '%Dir(s)%' or freespace is NULL

    select @f_freespace = convert(bigint,(select

    substring (freespace,(charindex ('Dir(s)', freespace, 1) + 7),

    (charindex ('bytes free', freespace, 1) -1) - (charindex ('Dir(s)', freespace, 1) + 7))



    insert into #dir2

    values (@t_machine, @t_drive, @f_freespace)

    -- Get the next #allpsdrives

    FETCH NEXT FROM psdrive_cursor

    INTO @t_machine, @t_drive


    CLOSE psdrive_cursor

    DEALLOCATE psdrive_cursor

    declare @asofdate datetime

    set @asofdate = getdate()

    insert into psdrivesfreespace

    select @asofdate,machine, drive, convert(char(7),freespace/(1024*1024))

    from #dir2

    EXEC master..xp_sendmail @recipients = 'dyoder',

    @query = 'SELECT convert(char(19),ASOFDATE) as "AS OF DATE",Drive = MACHINE+DRIVE, str(MB,8) as " MB Free "

    FROM RBSAVE..psdrivesfreespace

    where convert(char(2), ASOFDATE,114) = convert(char(2), getdate(),114) AND

    convert(char(10),ASOFDATE,126) = convert(char(10),getdate(),126) AND


    order by DRIVE, MACHINE',

    @subject = 'Server Disk Free Space',

    @message = ' Disk(s) free space:'

  • xp_fixeddrives will list all the drives on the SQL Server along with the free space on that drive.

    All you'd need is a means to execute it against all your machines and report back in a single report. OR, if multiple reports are ok, just create a job to execute it on each server.

  • Const HARD_DISK = 3

    strComputer = "."

    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _

    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

    Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery _

    ("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType = " _

    & HARD_DISK & "")

    Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

    Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")

    objEmail.From = "your-mail"

    objEmail.To = "your-mail" = "your-mail"

    For Each objDisk in colDisks

    'Wscript.Echo "Computer name: " & objSysInfo.ComputerName

    'Wscript.Echo "Device ID: " & objDisk.DeviceID

    'Wscript.Echo "Total Disk Space: " & objDisk.Size

    'Wscript.Echo "Free Disk Space: " & objDisk.FreeSpace

    'Wscript.Echo "percentage used: "&(100-(( objDisk.FreeSpace/objDisk.Size)*100))

    x= (100-(( objDisk.FreeSpace/objDisk.Size)*100))

    'Wscript.Echo "percentage used: "&(100-(( objDisk.FreeSpace/objDisk.Size)*100))

    'if (75< x ) then

    'Wscript.Echo "percentage of harddrive used used: "&x

    objEmail.Subject = "low in the space on the "+objSysInfo.ComputerName+" on the "+objDisk.DeviceID+" Drive "

    objEmail.Textbody = objSysInfo.ComputerName+" Drive "+objDisk.DeviceID +" is too low on the free space (it is below 75%)"


    'end if


    save script above as .vbs file

    in windows sceduling create job that will run

    following string

    C:\WINDOWS\system32wscript.exe C:\myfile.vbs


    C:\WINNT\system32wscript.exe C:\myfile.vbs

    if running NT or windows 2000

    schedule that job at regular intervals and when the occupied disk space on any of local disks will go above 75% it will shoot you an e-mail

  • Sorry i havent replyed sooner...

    Im going to take a while to check this tips out and will comeback to you and post my results.

    Thanks in advance and happy new year to you all!


  • Robert,

    The limitation of xp_fixeddrives is that it doesnt return the size of the drive.

    I use srvinfo -ns. Its in the Resource Kit. The command returns lots of data but with some tsql, you can extract the figures you want. For example

    declare @drive_letter char(1)

    select @drive_letter = 'c'

    create table #svrinfo(text1 varchar(500))

    insert #svrinfo (text1)

    execute master..xp_cmdshell 'srvinfo -ns'

    SELECT text1 FROM #svrinfo WHERE text1 like '%'+@drive_letter+'$%ntfs%[0-9]%'



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