Friday Afternoon

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Friday Afternoon

  • At my old job, we used to have a Foosball table which we gave a heavy pounding every lunch, and occasionally when we had to work back late, late in the afternoon, or just before heading home.

    We had a team of about 15 split up from junior to senior devs, the same of testers, our change controller and solution architect.

    Yet for 45 minutes at lunch time, our status changed from your job description to how good you were on the table, whether one on one, or two vs two.

    Unfortunately now with a new employer I don't have that complete change at lunch time. However, sitting down in a larger open room with a book is plenty to take my mind away from work for half an hour and send it elsewhere. Allows me to come back to the desk feeling a lot more refreshed and ready to start again.

  • Our large kitchen area includes a ping pong table that gets a lot of use. Once a year a tournament is held, with the kitchen being rearranged to be more akin to a stadium.

    Other than that company paid staff drinks once a month and 3 sandboxed machines with far few group policy internet restrictions (i.e. allow facebook)

  • I have always enjoyed a team lunch where we could socialize and bond without actually discussing work. Very relaxing. 🙂

  • Some of the things we have done include:


    Kart Racing


    Nerf Guns

    Throwing a football around

    Chair races around the office

    Miniature Golf

    It may be a little relaxed to do things like that, but it sure seems like it is more effective and productive. Certainly less stressful to be able to do things like that.

    Other things I like to do is to treat co-workers to an occasional lunch. Call it inter-department or department team building.

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  • Where I work now there are no facilities like those mentioned. I tend to play some games on my iPhone as a way of relaxing at work. During lunch, obviously!

    At a previous company we had a Foosball table in the kitchen, but there was only a hardcore of 4 of us that really played on it. I think it drove everyone else mad 😀

  • In our staff room we got some comfy sofas, a nice wide screen TV and a great audio system, a dart board, a pool table, and most importantly a well-stocked bar (to be frequented after 16h00 only). People are playing pool as we speak (it is 11h39 over here), just to get their heads cleared. It is a great place to chill out on Friday afternoons after a long week of work.

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  • For me, getting out the office and going for a walk is the best way to clear my brain and get the good ideas flowing again.

  • Morning!

    If the weather is halfway good, I try to go out, or otherwise I relax reading a newspaper or a book.

    Our company used to have better facilities last year, soft drinks and language training were cancelled due to some money reasons. Yes, I even considered the language training as relaxation, because it is an hour "away" with another group, and a different kind of thinking. Now we just have a coffeemachine, a fridge and a microwave.

    Especially on Fridays, people would throw footballs around, and listen to music in the accountant department. It's okay when people try to relax and have some fun. But I can never concentrate, so I try to be in other offices on Fridays.

    It would be much nicer if they had a lounge or some kind of cantine! So people can go there and relax without making noise in the office, which distracts the coworkers.

  • Dude! Why does that Les Paul have stickers all over it, and those Fenders don't have a thing on them? Thats not right... 😛

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  • I've never had the pleasure of working at a company that had a lounge or game room, but we would occasionally have a staff lunch (one co-worker loved to cook), go out and toss a frisbee or football or play wiffle ball, well until we were told by management that it was not professional.

    My first few years one of my co-workers was a smoker and we'd have some of our best discussions on the back porch while he took a smoke a break.

    I'd like to see more companies/organizations provide some kind of relaxation perk for employees.

    Jack Corbett
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  • What I do is go outside and take a walk around our building. I work in the IT department at a manufacturer, and the building actually contains 3 different buisnesses, so it is a very long building. Takes about 15 minutes to walk once around, and it's nice to get outside, see the birds, breathe some fresh air, get the blood moving a little bit. It helps a lot.

  • Where I'm currently working we have a coffe machine, but we're not even allowed to get a coffee and drink it there, we have to go back to the office and drink it at the office desk. That said we have a sort of "corporate olympics" were CIOs win all the competitions.

    I wish I was exaggerating, but, sadly, I'm not.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Jan Van der Eecken (3/12/2010)

    In our staff room .... most importantly a well-stocked bar

    Now that's a way too relax! Not sure it would help me get home on time though :w00t::w00t:

  • Gianluca Sartori (3/12/2010)

    Where I'm currently working we have a coffe machine, but we're not even allowed to get a coffee and drink it there, we have to go back to the office and drink it at the office desk. That said we have a sort of "corporate olympics" were CIOs win all the competitions.

    I wish I was exaggerating, but, sadly, I'm not.

    Be sure to warn me if I interview there. That's certainly not the type of place I'd want to work.

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