Friday Afternoon

  • Relax??? :w00t:

    I'm lucky if I don't eat lunch at my desk or end up working the weekend. Would love to have a these DBA jobs with games and lobster on the yacht... :crying:

  • Steve Jones - Editor (3/12/2010)

    Gianluca Sartori (3/12/2010)

    Where I'm currently working we have a coffe machine, but we're not even allowed to get a coffee and drink it there, we have to go back to the office and drink it at the office desk. That said we have a sort of "corporate olympics" were CIOs win all the competitions.

    I wish I was exaggerating, but, sadly, I'm not.

    Be sure to warn me if I interview there. That's certainly not the type of place I'd want to work.

    Times are tough, I just have to thank God I've got a job.

    My relax area is SSC, that's the truth!

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • We have some short, wooded trails behind the office so I'll take a walk through those and we have a volleyball court that gets used every day during lunch during the summer. I'll also head down and talk to some friends on the team that escalates to the one I'm on now. That also works out well because I'll get questions while I'm down there which makes it easy to sit down with them an explain something.

  • We have yoga and t'ai chi classes here at work. Three lunch hours per week, I'm at one of those. I also get out and take a brisk walk on my break.

  • What - no office parkour?

    Bill Nicolich:
    Daily tweet of what's new and interesting: AppendNow

  • Where I work now we have a small break room with a fridge micro etc, but that about it. I clear my head by taking a walk outside...

    At previous employers we had a pool table and basket ball court that saw heavy during lunches. And do definitely miss those and it does make a difference.

    One of my more memorable relaxation methods at a previous employer was making use of the old MSDN disks when the new set arrived. great frisbees that got flung far and wide around the office.


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  • At my former employer, we had a weight room with a couple of treadmills and a ping pong table. Then employee expansion forced us to renovate that space into cubes. The ping pong table was moved to an old locker room so we could still play. Then they decided it was too much of a distraction snd sold it.

    Shortly thereafter, a new Target went in right across the street complete with cafe and Starbucks. So every day at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. a group of us would make a pilgremege for coffee or smoothies and just cruise the store for 15 minutes.

    Throwing the football during lunch in the big open yard out front was also a great release.

    Now, I got nothing. I watch the Daily Show online while I eat lunch at my desk. :Whistling:

    The distance between genius and insanity is measured only by success.

  • Cool picture of our lounge Steve, and this is a great discussion topic.

    I really think a lot of people would be surprised at how many great ideas come about during a round of Warhawk or HALO 3 during lunch or after work.

    It's difficult to attach ROI to things like that, but it really does happen all the time.

  • We have no facilities at my place of work but the park behind our office has a basketball court. We have spent several days playing and talking at the same time.

    There is also a driving range nearby. A couple of times we have shared a large bucket of balls and just hit and share until the bucket is empty. In reality two or three people can share one set of clubs.

  • I have to agree with the comment on the Les Paul. It is a nice collection though and displayed very nicely. I just wish my music room was big enough to display all of my instruments but alas, not that lucky!

    To say the least, having a way not to sit at a desk all day to work is a great way to break through programming road blocks or bottlenecks. When I work from home, I have my guitar around my neck all the time because when I'm reviewing a piece of code, it's nice to be doing something with my guitar. I don't even want to underdstand why it works that way but it does help.

    By chance does it have something to do with exercising the side of the brain that is already consumed with other tasks by forcing it to do something out of the norm? Maybe it helps our mind to look for alternative means to an end.

    Anyway, nice guitar collection and interesting article.

  • The best stress releiver for me is a good physical workout. When the weather is good I like to commute by bicycle. That way I arrive at work wide awake and ready to go, and then the ride home helps me burn off all the stress that sometimes builds up during the workday. If the weather isn't good, I still like to workout at least every other day.

  • In observing others I don't see them doing much to help alleviate stress. I left a ping pong table here once, but it was rarely used so I sold it.

    For me, in order of preference:

    Bike ride

    Play banjo or guitar for a few minutes in a spare office (this could induce stress in others!)

    Walk to the front of the building and look outside since there are no windows where I work

  • I have found that actually leaving the building and getting outside for a walk is the best way to clear my mind without being away for too long. We have a park near our building and I have taken a walk around it for a nice 10-15 minute breather a few times. Plus there is something about office air quality that just makes me tired. Alternatively if the weather is bad, I will just walk around the building for a bit. It's not as refreshing but still helps.

  • You guys know those aren't real guitars right?

    They are used to play Rock Band and Guitar Hero on Xbox 360.

  • Bill Nicolich (3/12/2010)

    What - no office parkour?

    I would love to see Parkour happen here.

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