ftp t-sql query issue in sql server 2005

  • Hi when i tried to send file through FTP (using T-Sql) we r getting

    when i execute this query

    exec s_ftp_PutFile

    @FTPServer = 'X.X.X.X' ,

    @FTPUser = 'ftptestr' ,

    @FTPPWD = 'testftp123' ,

    @FTPPath = 'Path' ,

    @FTPFileName = 'XXX.doc' ,

    @SourcePath = 'C:\ftptest\' ,

    @SourceFile = 'XXX.doc.doc' ,

    @workdir = 'c:\ftptest\'

    the following error

    1 User (X.X.X.X:(none)): open X.X.X.X:

    2 NULL

    3 NULL

    4 put C:\path.abc.doc

    5 G:/abc1.doc: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

    6 quit

    7 NULL

    Thanks in advance

    Any solution pls

  • hi friends

    Instead of ftp can we use Replication if we can use what type of replication is applicable for the task

    i read in the the google It is possible in FTP Task using SSIS but

    I am new to this SSIS

    Please provide the ssis ftp task any screenshots or links

    any other solutions pls

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi friends

    i my self resolved this FTP issue in below the query

    exec s_ftp_PutFile

    @FTPServer = 'X.X.X.X' ,

    @FTPUser = 'abcuser' ,

    @FTPPWD = 'abc123' ,

    @FTPPath = '' , ---------- here it should be blank path(dont mention path )

    @FTPFileName = 'abc1.doc' ,

    @SourcePath = 'C:\ftptest\' ,

    @SourceFile = 'abc1.doc' ,

    @workdir = 'c:\temp'

    finally it worked for me thanks

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