FTP Task will not work when scheduled as a job!

  • I have a job that runs a SQL script and creates a flat file.  I use an FTP task to send the file to a specific FTP site.  The job work beautifully when is is completed in the development environment. 

    After I build the package and deploy on the SQL server and set it up to run as a job it will not work on the SQL server.  The error appears to be in the FTP connection.  I get two separate errors:

    'Unable to connect to FTP Server using FTP Connection Manager' and

    'An Error Occured in the requested FTP operation.  Detailed error description: The Password was not allowed'

    I am sure something very simple is wrong.

    Any thoughts.



  • I would first try running it manually, possibly from VS2005 on the production server first.  Be sure to check the FTP connection manager properties once it is there. 

    Was there a variable that you were supplying in the dev environment that you may have forgotten to set up in the job?

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Thanks for your response.  BTW.  I do have a copy of your book and I have found it most helpful.  Nice Work.

    I have run this process manually in Visual Studio on the production server and it all works fine.  I am not using any variables.  I am completely stumped by this one.


  • Usually problems like this relate to security -- the job running in a different account than running manually.  But, it doesn't sound like it since it is the FTP part that is failing. 

    Jamie Thomson had another way to run jobs, don't know if it will help, but it is worth a try:



    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Oh, and I'm glad you like the book!  Thanks!

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • FTP can be tricky based on it's execution method, parent, permissions, security, and tasking.

    One alternative method in providing standards and better security is to use a third party install like "SoftArtisans.FileUp". Their products can be used in many evironments with safe, easy, quick results.


    Coach James

  • If you don't have a SSIS Package execution proxy user set up, you need to do so (create credential first using the correct win authent pwd); grant the proxy user perms in msdb dbase as 'sql agent user role'.  This will replace the old 'job system' proxy user we used to create for non-sysadmins to run os-related jobs in SS2000.  You don't need to give sysadmin permissions anymore.  So now any job not owned by a sysadmin should default to run under your proxy user.

     When a package runs fine from BIDS or from the filesystem using 'execute package utility', but not as a job, KB918760 helps figure it out.  So my error said 'Unable to connect ot FTP server using "ftp connection manager" ',  but the problem was the package decryption. In my case, I had to do 'save copy of package as' to SSIS PACKAGE STORE instead of to the file system, then store it under \MSDB\packagename and instead of 'do not encrypt sensitive data' or whatever you have now, choose 'rely on server storage for access control'.   So now it will pay attention to the db roles you gave to your proxy user.  tah dah!

    HTH, Mary

  • I had similar problem with FTP. Your Idea worked thanks a lot.

  • MARY!

    I suffered with this problem for a looong time now and you howed me light.

    Thank you SO much!!


  • I owe you one!!!!  How did you figure this out?

  • MARY!!! Thank you so much. This time I have my SSIS working properly.

  • Thanks a lot! It helped me too.

  • Thanks for the heads up on this. I have a task I'm working where this WILL be an issue. Good to have work arounds.:D

  • This thread may have died, but I'll try anyway.

    I'm having this same problem, but it also fails in SSMS. I am the dbo and sysAdmin, so granting permissions is not an issue. I'm using the 'Rely on Server storage roles for access control' already. What else am I missing?


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