Full Control Over a Randomly Generated Password

  • Comments posted here are about the content posted at http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/plarsson/2878.asp

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Very good!

    One problem though.  Your code to limit the password length does not work if I pass negative numbers.  When the specs are negative then they can't be more negative ten the number of items in the list.  You can't call for more than 26 non-duplicated upper case letters as there are only 26 of them.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Hi,

    I always think that when ever i find some time spare than i will write this one.But u did and did in a nice way

  • Nice solution.

    I've been using spc_random_password of Written by Narayana Vyas Kondreddi http://vyaskn.tripod.com  (Stored procedure to generate a simple or complex random password&nbspfrom almost when it was published (2001).


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  • Well, its a nice solution and working prefect.

  • A thought for generating passwords non-randomly: use your birthday in the Jewish (or Muslim or Persian or whatever) calendar. Therefore, if you forget it for whatever reason, you can regenerate it from a web site.

  • This is a great idea, I am going to use it in my application. I have re-written it as a function though  (for consistency with standards of my system) by creating a view for the NEWID() function:


    and modifying the code to use the view rather than NEWID()


    -- Get the Number Items

    SET @i = ABS(@NumberItems)

    WHILE @i > 0 AND LEN(@Numbers) > 0   

      SELECT @v = ABS(CAST(CAST(New_ID AS BINARY(16)) AS BIGINT)) % LEN(@Numbers) + 1

      ,    @C = SUBSTRING(@Numbers, @v, 1)

      ,    @Numbers = CASE

           WHEN @NumberItems < 0

         THEN STUFF(@Numbers, @v, 1, '')

       ELSE @Numbers


      ,    @Temp = @Temp + @C

      ,    @i = @i - 1

    FROM v_NewID


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

  • Nice job, I’ll use it for sure.

    I was using, since always, Left 4 of a new guid + Left 4 of a new guid (uppercase)

    Kind of…



    Best Regards,

    David, MCAD.NET

  • This link below has my own procedure for generating a somewhat mnemonic password, as well as several others for generating random or semi-random passwords:


    It is an interesting problem, because of the conflicting requirements of security where long, random passwords are better, and the ability of a human to read, remember, and type the password.  A password like B4zI1=5UhW4K6KM'3 is probably almost impossible to crack, but how many people can remember it and type it correctly?

    My mnemonic password procedure is an attempt at a compromise solution to generate passwords that are both secure and something that a human can remember and use.  It could be done better, but it was the best solution I could think of at the time to meet my requirements.


  • It doesn't matter.

    When you want non-duplicated characters from a group, the while loop exits when there are no more characters to choose from.

    Even if you set 50 non-duplicated characters, the while loop exits after 26.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

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