Full-text indexing

  • Could someone tell me why all of the options are turned off in my Full-Text Catalogs section of my database?

    The only options that are still are Delete, Properties, and Help.

    The other 2 catalogs in this section have Start Full Population and Start Incremental Population enabled; I repopulated these already.

    This problem appeared when I attempted to update my database last week. I knowingly removed the two tables that existed in this full-text catalog, but I cannot add them again.

    I have attempted to use sp_fulltext_table to try and reattach the tables back, but I got an error message similar to "...is not a valid index to enforce a full-text key."

  • Brian,

    Yes, I can. However, I need to know more about exactly what happend between the time SQL Full-text Indexing (FTI) was functional and when it stopped working...

    First of all, could you post the full output of SELECT @@version as this is most helpful in understanding your enviroment. Secondly, did you or anyone else change the SQL Server service (MSSQLServer) account &/or password via Win2K's Component service? If so, then one or more of the following KB article(s) may be helpful.

    Additionally, when your removed the two tables that had SQL Full-text Search (FTS) enabled, did you remove the Full-text Index first, then drop the FT Catalog? The normal order of removing FTI is the following:

    use pubs


    -- Drop the Table's FT Index

    sp_fulltext_table 'pub_info', 'drop'


    -- Drop the Database's FT Catalog

    sp_fulltext_catalog 'PubInfo', 'drop' -- drops files & not dir.


    -- Drop the table

    drop table pub_info


    Did you detach the database or did you attmept to re-create the dropped table via "CREATE TABLE"? Did the new table have a single column, non-nullable unique key with a clustered or non-clustered index?

    317746 (Q317746) PRB: SQL Server Full-Text Search Does Not Populate Catalogs


    277549 (Q277549) PRB: Unable to Build Full-Text Catalog After You Modify SQLServer Logon Account Through [NT4.0) Control Panel [or Win2K Component Services]




    SQL Full Text Search Blog


    John T. Kane

  • Ok, in a little bit of frusturation, I decided to restore the database with a backup and find the tables again. I then attempted to run the sp_fulltext_table command to deactivate the tables, and received this error:

    Server: Msg 7606, Level 17, State 5, Procedure sp_fulltext_table, Line 220

    Could not find full-text index for database ID 9, table ID 1250624044. Use sp_fulltext_table to deactivate then activate this index.

    I attempted to deactivate each of the two tables with this command, and received the same error for each.

    This is my version of SQL Server 2000:

    Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86)   Dec 17 2002 14:22:05   Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation  Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

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