Full Text Indexing examples

  • I'm new to Full Text Indexing and am looking to start playing around with the feature.  Does anyone know of anywhere that I can download a sample dataset to start using.  This could be in the form of a backup file or instructions on how to create it.  I've got a few good tutorials on how to use it but I'd rather start with a pre-created data set that demo's well rather than working to create my own. 

    If anyone has one or knows of the location of one for download I would appreciate it.  I can provide an FTP site if needed.


  • Jason,



    articles in SQL Server Books Online (BOL)  have  3-line examples on how to create a full-text catalog and create an index. Then in the Enterprise Manager you may re-populate the index.

    Searching for Specific word or Phrase (Simple Term)

    article in BOL will give you an example of the query.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • What I'm looking for is an example database or table that has meaningful data to work with.  It'll take me all day to add 100,000 rows of test data into a database so I'm hoping that someone has one already created that they wouldn't mind sharing.

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