Full-Text Search and MS Search Service

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to enable full-text searching on a database, but am getting stymied by the following message:

    'The Microsoft Search service cannot be administered under the present user account'

    The server instance is running under a domain account, that has SQL sysadmin rights and is in the administrator group on the Windows server.  The account that I use has sysadmin rights, too.

    MS Search is running under the 'Local System' account.

    To my knowledge, neither the SQL service nor the MS Search service have been modified via the Services window.

    Following the workaround in MS knowledge base article 277549, I have tried changing the startup service account to 'System Account', restarting the SQL service (and the MS Search service), and then setting back to the required domain user account, and restarting.  This doesn't seem to work for me.

    I'm running SQL 2000 SP3.

    Anybody able to help me?  Any suggestions greatly appreciated.



  • A couple of questions:

    1. Do you still have BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS on the SQL instance?

    2. Which account do you have the MSSearch service running under?

    At one place I worked we had the MSSearch service running under the same account as MSSQLSERVER, which seemed to work very well. I would give that a try.

  • Hi Tim,

    Thanks for the reply.

    BUILTIN\Administrators still exists on the instance, although I don't like the fact that it's there.  According to the MS white paper on FTS, this account is optional.  NT Authority\System exists as well, both with sysadmin rights.

    MSSearch was running under the local system account.  Following your suggestion, I changed it to use the same account as the SQL Server startup account (a domain account).  Following a restart of both services, I get the same error message as before.  I've now changed the MSSearch startup account back to Local System.

    I don't want to change the SQL startup account to be the local system account because all my databases become suspect!

    Any other ideas gratefully received!



  • If any of you resolve this issue please email me at cbowie@dacor.com with the solution steps.

    Chris Bowie

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