Function To convert large string to small values

  • Hi I got a table with one column of lenght 500 and i got around 500,000 records.

    So from that i'm looking for some record 'abc dfgr hjk kishg lZDjsdf dnuwhcn (88sdnjhoi'. It is taking lot of time to check for that value from all the records..Is there any function by which i can convert this into smaller value like so that it makes data retrival faster


    Select * from Table

    Where function(column)=function('abc dfgr hjk kishg lZDjsdf dnuwhcn (88sdnjhoi').

    I tried to find it out but couldn't. So can some one help me out in this please. Thank you

  • Adding a scalar function to the where is not going to make anything faster, in fact it will most likely make it slower.

    Do you have an index on this column?


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  • tripri (10/11/2012)

    Hi I got a table with one column of lenght 500 and i got around 500,000 records.

    So from that i'm looking for some record 'abc dfgr hjk kishg lZDjsdf dnuwhcn (88sdnjhoi'. It is taking lot of time to check for that value from all the records..Is there any function by which i can convert this into smaller value like so that it makes data retrival faster


    Select * from Table

    Where function(column)=function('abc dfgr hjk kishg lZDjsdf dnuwhcn (88sdnjhoi').

    I tried to find it out but couldn't. So can some one help me out in this please. Thank you

    Where function(column)=function() is what is known as non-sarg-able;

    that will not allow you to use any indexing, and will require a table scan

    if you add a column that calculates the checksum or binary checksum, and then an index on that checksum, then you could use a function to compare faster:


    ALTER TABLE gmact add desc_Check As CHECKSUM(CONVERT(VARCHAR(max),ACTDESCRIP)) PERSISTED --if this is a TEXT datatype, you must convert to varchar(max)

    CREATE INDEX IX_desc_Check ON GMACT(desc_Check)

    SELECT * FROM GMACT WHERE desc_Check = CHECKSUM('abc dfgr hjk kishg lZDjsdf dnuwhcn (88sdnjhoi')


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • @sean


    yes, i have an index on that column..

  • @lowell,

    Thank you

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