function to get the city details of the parent

  • I have an existing function and need to alter function to give result of the values parent-description until its parent is reached.


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CityData](

    [Id] [int] NULL,

    [ParentID] [int] NULL,

    [City] [nchar](20) NULL,

    [Location] [nchar](50) NULL,

    [Amt] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into CityData


    (2,1,'NULL','North Bangalore',10),

    (3,2,'NULL','North Bangalore - Area-1',5),

    (4,2,'NULL','North Bangalore - Area-2',15),

    (5,1,'NULL','South Bangalore',7),


    (7,6,'NULL','Coimbatore South',5),




    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetFirstLevelLabel]


    @cityParentId int


    RETURNS nvarchar(128)



    DECLARE @strLabel nvarchar(128)

    set @strLabel = ''

    if @cityId >= 999999

    set @strLabel = SELECT City FROM CityData where Id = @cityParentId

    -- Need help on getting the parent id -1 in loop


    if @depName <> ''

    set @strLabel = SELECT City FROM CityData where Id = @cityParentId


    set @strLabel = 'General'

    RETURN @strLabel



    ---- My Query

    SELECT Id, GetFirstLevelLabel(ParentID) as City, Location, Amt

    , Amt

    FROM CityData

    Result Expected

    City Location Amt

    Bangalore BangaloreMain 20

    Bangalore North Bangalore 10

    Bangalore North Bangalore - Area-1 5

    Bangalore North Bangalore - Area-2 15

    Bangalore South Bangalore 7

    Others Coimbatore 4

    Others Coimbatore South 5

    Others Tirupur 1

    Others Avinashi 3

  • Thank you very much for the readily consumable test data. It does make things much more clear and easier to concentrate on code instead of building test data.

    Your requested output actually has a small error in it. The South Bangalore (value = 7) has an error because it's actually a child of Bangalore (value = 20). The output for South Bangalore should be 20*7 or 140. With that in mind, the following code will do as you wish. You just need to replace the code you have in your recursive function (which is VERY expensive, BTW) with the following. Of course, I've included the test data, as well.


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CityData](

    [Id] [int] NULL,

    [ParentID] [int] NULL,

    [City] [nchar](20) NULL,

    [Location] [nchar](50) NULL,

    [Amt] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    insert into CityData

    SELECT 1,-1,'Bangalore','BangaloreMain',20 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,1,'NULL','North Bangalore',10 UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,2,'NULL','North Bangalore - Area-1',5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 4,2,'NULL','North Bangalore - Area-2',15 UNION ALL

    SELECT 5,1,'NULL','South Bangalore',7 UNION ALL

    SELECT 6,-1,'Others','Coimbatore',4 UNION ALL

    SELECT 7,6,'NULL','Coimbatore South',5 UNION ALL

    SELECT 8,7,'NULL','Tirupur',1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 9,7,'NULL','Avinashi',3


    --===== Solve the problem


    cteHierarchy AS

    (--==== Get the "Root" row

    SELECT ID, ParentID, City, Location, Amt, AmtProd = Amt,


    FROM dbo.CityData

    WHERE ParentID = -1


    --==== Recurse through each level of the hierarchy

    SELECT t.ID, t.ParentID, h.City, t.Location, t.Amt, AmtProd = h.AmtProd * t.Amt,

    SortPath = CAST(h.SortPath + CAST(t.ID AS BINARY(4)) AS VARBINARY(4000))

    FROM dbo.CityData t

    INNER JOIN cteHierarchy h ON t.ParentID = h.ID

    )--==== Display the output from the CTE above

    SELECT *

    FROM cteHierarchy

    ORDER BY SortPath


    Note that I've left all working columns in the output. You can obviously do away with those in the final SELECT.

    For more information on sorting the Hierarchy into the expected sort order, please see the following article.

    Here's the output from the code above.

    ID ParentID City Location Amt AmtProd SortPath

    -- -------- --------- ------------------------ --- ------- --------------------------

    1 -1 Bangalore BangaloreMain 20 20 0x00000001

    2 1 Bangalore North Bangalore 10 200 0x0000000100000002

    3 2 Bangalore North Bangalore - Area-1 5 1000 0x000000010000000200000003

    4 2 Bangalore North Bangalore - Area-2 15 3000 0x000000010000000200000004

    5 1 Bangalore South Bangalore 7 140 0x0000000100000005

    6 -1 Others Coimbatore 4 4 0x00000006

    7 6 Others Coimbatore South 5 20 0x0000000600000007

    8 7 Others Tirupur 1 20 0x000000060000000700000008

    9 7 Others Avinashi 3 60 0x000000060000000700000009

    (9 row(s) affected)

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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