functions in select statements

  • Hi there,

    recently came across and modifed a great function that allows me to return multiple results (x,y,z) in a single returned value.

    So now I can do: select * from WarrantCodesByAcct() where intMasterAcctID=1 and get back a result set.


    1                     | 100,200

    So now I want to take it one step further... I want to pass in the intMasterAcctID and be able to use this as part of another sub query.






     (Select Codes from WarrantCodesByAcct()) WarrantCode,

     (Select WarrantPerc from WarrantsCodesByAcct()) WarrantCodePerc


     MasterRecord MR

    I cannot use WarrantCodesByAcct(intMasterAcctID) because it thinks I'm trying to pass it a function parameter and not a value and I cannot use WarrantCodesByAcct(@intMasterAcctID) because there is no way to declare and set the value within the select.

    Best I have managed to come up with with a cursor that selected from MasterRecord, defined @intMasterAcctID and then passed it in but as I am calling this as a procedure from ASP.NET it returns 250 individual result sets instead of 1 with 250 results.

    Any thoughts?  The function I found on here was someone elses solution to a problem of horses with multiple owners and their percentage of ownership.  I was able to modify it to fit a situation I have here and I was very happy with the results... except that I cant figure out how to implement it




  • Hi Chris

    I think you're asking function arguments to be what they were not meant to, namely join fields.

    Table functions with arguments come in handy where you need to restrict a maybe complex query by a single value - in this case it helps to hide the complexity of the query, yet enables all parts of the query to be parameterized.

    Sometimes using views is a better choice than table functions. Where joins are needed to reduce the row number of a result set just to reach a manageable size, you shouldn't use a table function, because table functions always generate the full result set (even though it resides in a ram table). If this is your case, use a view instead.

    I don't think that a cursor should be necessary in your case. You're actually emulating a join that way - it surely cannot be the most elegant way to do it.

    What are you trying to do in that function? Why is it necessary to keep it in a function?

    Please paste some more code...

    Mads Holm

  • If you rewrite the function and let it return the Codes string with intMasterAcctID as a parameter then you can do something like this:


    SELECT intMasterAcctID, dbo.WarrantCodesByAcct(intMasterAcctID)

    FROM   MasterRecord


    Hope this helps,


    Jorg Jansen
    Manager Database Development
    The Netherlands

  • If I was to do a select statement from the [Warrants] table below off of intMasterAcctID I would get two rows returned for intMasterAcctID=1

    The function basically returns the intMasterAcctID, Warrants and Warrant Percents


    Select * from WarrantCodesByAcct(2) returns


    select * from WarrantCodesByAcct(1) (with 2 qualifying records)


    Basic table layout w/data









    1,'PP','Personal Property'

    2,'FA','Farm Animals'






    Foreign key reference between Warrants.intWarrantCodeID=WarrantCodes.intID


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.WarrantCodesByAcct (@intMasterAcctID int)

    RETURNS @resultTable

     TABLE (intMasterAcctId  int  primary key,

         Warrants char (50) null,

         Warrants_Perc char(50) null)



    --declare temp tables

       DECLARE @Warrants_temp

       TABLE ( intMasterAcctID_  int  ,

            intID_ int,

            Warrant char(50) null,

     WP char(50) null)

       DECLARE @MasterRecord_Temp

       TABLE ( intMasterAcctID  int  primary key,

            Warrants char (50) null,

            _lastintID char(50) null,

     Warrants_Perc char(50) null,

     _lastWP char(50) null)

    --copy all Warrants - relation table to temp [we can delete]

    If exists(Select intMasterAcctID from Warrants where intMasterAcctID=@intMasterAcctID)


    INSERT INTO @Warrants_temp

    SELECT intMasterAcctID, Warrants.intID, vchrCode, intWarrantPerc1

    FROM WarrantCodes join Warrants ON (WarrantCodes.intID=Warrants.intWarrantCodeID)

    where intMasterAcctID=@intMasterAcctID

    --copy all MasterRecords with no owner information

    INSERT INTO @MasterRecord_Temp

    SELECT intMasterAcctID, '','' ,'','' FROM MasterRecord where intMasterAcctID=@intMasterAcctID

    --repeat if needed

    WHILE (SELECT count(*) FROM @Warrants_temp)>0


         --update Masterrecord info

         UPDATE @MasterRecord_Temp

         SET Warrants=rtrim(Warrants)+rtrim(Warrant)+',',



         FROM @Warrants_temp

         WHERE (intMasterAcctID=intMasterAcctID_ )


         --delete already inserted Warrant info

         DELETE @Warrants_temp FROM

         @MasterRecord_Temp WHERE intID_=_lastintID AND intMasterAcctID=intMasterAcctID_

    END --repeat if any Warrant records exists

    --copy all records to result table without last comma

    INSERT INTO @resultTable

    SELECT intMasterAcctID, left(Warrants,len(Warrants)-1), Left(Warrants_Perc,len(Warrants_Perc)-1)  FROM @MasterRecord_Temp





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