Future Growth Rate of the Database

  • Hello....I just inherited a SQL Server Database and I do not have any prior history of it. I am no expert but learning. Database is about 1.2 GB in size and that includes both primary file as well as log file. The way I determined the size is right clicked on the databse, selected Properties and under Files, I saw the initial size for Data file type and Log file type. So, I would like to know what the growth rate has been to this database, how do I go about it? I appreciate your responses. I'd like the most simplified answer if possible since I am a newbie. I appreciate your time and effort.

    Thank you.

  • Assuming you are doing regular FULL backups, you can look at the backup history and see the size of backups over time, which should give you a pretty good idea.

    If you're not doing regular backups, start them now so your next thread is not "How do I recover my database with no backup"

  • Thank you for the prompt response. I do not have the backup in place right now as the database is currently offline. I am planning on making it online this weekend. Ofcourse, I will implement backup plans in place before the db goes online.

    Any other ways, can I find out the growth rate from the past?

    Thanks again!

  • If it's off line, it can't grow. Did you take backups before it went off line ? If so, you should have history.

    If you don't have backups. Bring it online, take a backup, then put it off line again. I wouldn't wait until the weekend. (unless you don't care about the data.)

  • Thanks again...! I just created a full backup of the database and made the database online. I know what the backup file size is now. And, In addition, I was able to get hold of previous admin and got the information on historical data growth. Anyway, learned that Backup is one of the ways to see trend in db growth. So, thank you!

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