gender breakdown sp

  • Hi clever people

    I have the following tables below called employee and department.  What would be the best way to write a procedure where the procedure would take in a department name (sales for example) and return as count the number of males/females?

    e.g. name  male  female

    sales    10      5

    what about returning the count for each individual department names if no department name was entered?


    your help is very much appreciated.


    Kind regards and thanks

    employeeNo lastName firstName gender departmentID

    1 Tom Smith M 2

    2 Ted Adams M 2

    3 Mary Thomas F 3


    departmentID name

    2 Sales

    3 Finance

    4 Human Resources

    5 IT

    6 Production

    7 Equipment

  • Join the tables, group the result, pivot the result

    create table #employee (
    employeeNo nvarchar(20),
    lastName nvarchar(20),
    firstName nvarchar(20),
    gender nvarchar(20),
    departmentID nvarchar(20))

    create table #department (
    departmentID nvarchar(20),
    "name" nvarchar(20))

    insert into #employee(employeeNo,firstName,lastName,gender,departmentID)

    insert into #department(departmentID,"name")
    Values ('2','Sales' )
    ,('3','Finance' )
    ,('4','Human Resources' )
    ,('5','IT' )
    ,('6','Production' )
    ,('7','Equipment' )

    --Get Name and Number of Genders
    select a."name",b.gender,"Counter"=count(*)
    into #PivotMe
    from #department a
    inner join #employee b on a.departmentID = b.departmentID
    group by a."name",b.gender

    --Pivot the result
    select "NAME"
    from #PivotMe
    PIVOT (SUM("Counter") for Gender in ([F],[M])) as pvt
  • select 
    sum(iif(b.gender='M', 1, 0)) m_count,
    sum(iif(b.gender='F', 1, 0)) f_count
    #department a
    #employee b on a.departmentID = b.departmentID
    group by

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