General error -2147199225 (80045707).

  • DTSTransferObjectsTask has started to give the following error, where it did not before. Nothing has changed.

    Step Copy Macs2 from remote server failed, error: x80045707,  x80040000 + 22279

    General error -2147199225 (80045707).

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I'm having the same problem.  The only thing useful I've found so far is a reference to a Knowledgbase Article Q244537 which I cannot find.  But the reference to the article said that a bug exists when you are transferring a char or varchar column > 4000.

  • I had the same problem, the first thing that I looked for was the table or tables where the DTS was failing. It was pretty easy as I just had to look for the table that had zero records.

    Once I found the table where the DTS was failing I compared both tables (source and target) and found that both tables were not exactly the same... someone changed the datatype of a column in the target table and it was causing the error... the advice is to check if there are differences between source and target tables... perhaps if there are differences those differences are causing the error... hope it helps...

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