• Hi All,

    How can i generate an insert query script from sqlserver 2000 tables. Can anybody help me



  • it means you know how to do it in 2005/2008. Why not use that database in SSMS instead of EM.

    In EM, you can try this :-

    1) Right Click on table and drag it to query analyzer.

    2) It will give you the option to script for create,delete,alter.

    I think this is your another weired question 😉 :w00t:


  • Hi Ashish

    I'm asking about sqlserver 2000 production database..

  • unfortunately I dont have 2000.

    but once you open query analyser and on your left if you open object browser, you will be able to do whatever I already suggested you referring as EM(Enter. Manaer which is in 2000)


  • Failing that, would something like this do?

    SELECT 'INSERT INTO yournewtable(Col1,Col2,Col3) SELECT '

    + Quotename(col1, '''') + ','

    + Quotename(col2, '''') + ','

    + Quotename(col3, '''') + ' UNION ALL'

    FROM yourtable

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  • balaji.ganga (8/26/2010)

    Hi All,

    How to generate a insert query script in sqlserver 2000. In Sql server 2000 don't have option to

    generate a script.


    select empname,empid from employee

    select 'insert into employee (empname,Empid) values('

    empname +','+ empid ')' from employee

    I need a following format output like

    insert into employee(empname,empid) values('1000','Balaji') like that..

    While i'm executing the above script. its getting error.

    Syntax Error..

    I would be greatly appreciated if any one help me out to solve this issue..

    With Thanks & Regards


    You're missing a +

    SELECT 'INSERT INTO employee (empname,empid) VALUES ('

    + empname + ',' + empid + ')'

    FROM employee

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  • Hi,

    I dont think you can do this from sql server 2000.

    If you have 2005 management studio then do the below to generate insert query

    Right click on a table then choose --> SCRIPT TABLE AS --> INSERT TO


  • Hi,

    I used + symbol in front of the column name.. its error occurred. Any other alternate solution is there? or else.. any tool is there?

    Pls suggest me..

    Thanks & Regards


  • Hi

    -- created sample table.

    create table product

    (cust varchar(25),

    product varchar(20),

    qty int)

    -- inserting sample record

    insert into product (cust,product,qty) values('KATE','SODA',6)

    -- script to generate dynamic script

    select 'insert into Product (cust,product,qty) values('+

    ''''+cust+'''' +','+''''+ product+''''+','+convert(varchar(10),qty)+')' from Product

    it will works. if any issues reply.


    Siva Kumar J

  • Hi Siva,

    select 'insert into sam(Id,Name,type,Email,Versionnumber)

    values(' + ""id""+','+""Name""+','+ ""type""+','+""Email""+','+""Versionnumber""+ ')'

    from sam

    when i ran the above query.. the following error occurred

    cannot use empty objects or column names.Use a single space if necessary..

    then i removed one quotes of each column..

    select 'insert into sam(Id,Name,type,Email,Versionnumber)

    values(' + "id"+','+"Name"+','+ "type"+','+"Email"+','+"Versionnumber"+ ')'

    from sam

    Implicit conversion from one varchar to other varchar column cannot be performed..

    because the collation of the value is unresolved.. due to collation conflict..

    Then i used to sP_help sam

    ColumnName Collation

    ID SQL_Latin_General_CP1_cI_AS

    Name SQL_Latin_General_CP1_cI_AS

    Type SQL_Latin_General_CP1_cI_AS

    Version Latin_General_CP1_cI_AS

    Email Latin_General_CP1_cI_AS

    Could you pls suggest.. how to fix it.. because i want to build an insert statement scripts

    for the most crucial objects.. then i insert those objects into Oracle environment..

    Thanks & Regards


  • balaji.ganga (8/31/2010)

    Hi Siva,

    select 'insert into sam(Id,Name,type,Email,Versionnumber)

    values(' + ""id""+','+""Name""+','+ ""type""+','+""Email""+','+""Versionnumber""+ ')'

    from sam

    when i ran the above query.. the following error occurred

    cannot use empty objects or column names.Use a single space if necessary..

    What error occurred with this?

    SELECT 'INSERT INTO sam(Id,Name,type,Email,Versionnumber) VALUES(' + id + ',' + name + ',' + TYPE + ',' + email + ',' +

    versionnumber + ')'

    FROM sam

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  • Hi balagi,

    Are you using stored procedure? or building insert script in other programmin language.

    try this

    1. declare variables.

    2. set your values

    3. insert

    declare @Id int,@Name varchar(50),@type int,@Email varchar(100),@Versionnumber varchar(10)


    SET @Name = 'Balaji.'



    insert into sam(Id,Name,type,Email,Versionnumber)




  • Hi

    don't use double codes. use single codes. You have not mentioned concatination symbol (+) for each field.

    select 'insert into sam(Id,Name,type,Email,Versionnumber)

    values(' + ''''+id+''+','+''''+Name+''''+','+ ''''+type+''''+','+''''+Email+''''+','+''''+Versionnumber+''''+ ')'

    from sam


    Siva Kumar J

  • Dear Siva,

    Thanks for your great and timely help.. Its working fine..

    Thanks & Regards


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