Generating Insert Statements

  • Excellent Article man...will be really helpful!!

  • That is very interesting, bud i have a problem with "float" data type :unsure:

  • already done in ssms 2008, but nice try I might find it useful

  • thank you :-)... i have been using this script from the time it was first published... is there any change from the first query ?

  • I've often used a useful stored procedure for this type of thing, also works like a charm! Feel free to check it out at direct links to the stored procedure source for 2000 is , for 2005/8 its

  • You have a really good script for this in this url:

    Written by: Narayana Vyas Kondreddi

    I used a lot, its really nice!!! :-D.

  • Emito (5/14/2010)

    You have a really good script for this in this url:

    Written by: Narayana Vyas Kondreddi

    I used a lot, its really nice!!! :-D.

    Yes, the old script you mention has been used by many in the past. It does not handle some data types, such as image and varbinary(max). Additionally, that script has a while loop in it used just to get column names and their data types. Using the loop is not a good idea when you can use a rather simple select statement to do the work. I specifically mentioned in the beginning of the article that I am offering no cursors, no while loops, no bunch of single quotes solution to the task of generating insert statements.

    My script also suffers from data type limitations, but this is only because of the small bugs in it. For example, I simply did not check floats and handling them requires small tweaks to the script. However, my script can potentially handle the data types which are not handled by the script to which you refer.


  • Hi,

    Well, in SSMS 2008 R2 this feature (scripting data) is no longer available, so this solutions is usefull again :-).

    Another option is to use this add-in to SSMS (it can scripting out table content):[/url].

    Anyway, this solution is brilliant.


    Slawomir Swietoniowski, MCITP:DBA+Developer (2005/2008)

  • Nice article. I'm glad to have finally seen it.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Oleg

    The script is excellent no doubt about it.

    The problem with it that it is database specific + you have to connect to the database first.

    I had several situations when I was in the airport and all I had an excel file from the customer.

    Likely there is another solution which can help you in time of need

    Keep coding,


  • Nice Article. Very helpful.


    Sometimes, winning is not an issue but trying.
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  • Nice script !!!

    I suggest a small improving,

    special handling not only of text datatype

    but also of ntext

    when 'ntext' then 'cast([' + column_name + '] as nvarchar(max))'

    You can update your script with it

  • Slawomir Swietoniowski (5/14/2010)


    Well, in SSMS 2008 R2 this feature (scripting data) is no longer available, so this solutions is usefull again :-).

    Another option is to use this add-in to SSMS (it can scripting out table content):[/url].

    Anyway, this solution is brilliant.



    The scripting data feature is still available in SSMS 2008 R2, but it appears to be under a different heading from SSMS 2008. The property option is now available under the "General" header and called "Type of data to script". It has 3 options in the drop down: Data Only, Schema and data, Schema Only. For those not aware, you can get to the scripting: by right clicking the mouse on a database, Tasks > Generate Scripts... > Choose "Select specific database objects" > Select the tables you want to script > then select the "Advanced" button to get to the "Type of data to script" property.


    John D

  • should become

    case data_type

    when 'float' then 'cast([' + column_name + '] as decimal(38, 10))'

    when 'ntext' then 'cast([' + column_name + '] as nvarchar(max))'

    when 'text' then 'cast([' + column_name + '] as varchar(max))'

    else '[' + column_name + ']'

    end + ' as varbinary(max))), ''null'')'

    Oleg, in case of type text what is the difference from the first version ?

    I have a text column with 300000 special characteres of length and doesn't worked with your procedure.

    Through the option generate scripts from SSMS 2012 it's ok, but usually i always use your script however in this table doesn't worked with text column because a lot of special characters. I think the problem is the lost of data when cast to hexa .. i don't know .

    Thanks a lot for your proc.

    Alexandre Araujo

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