Generic SP or UDF for Translation

  • I have a requirement to provide translated information into various applications and I want to create re-useable code in an SP or UDF, but so far I have been unable to define this. Can anyone offer any assistance.

    Example tables

    The MAIN Table


    AppID int

    AppName varchar(50)

    PopupText varchar(500)

    has a name and popuptext to be translated

    if the translation exists in the table


    Appname varchar(50)

    LanguageID int

    Description varchar(50)

    PopupText varchar(500)

    I need to pass in the tablename, language and appname and if a record exists in the translation table, then the Description and Popuptext are returned - otherwise, the appname and popuptext are returned from the main table

    Ian Dallow

  • Since you are looking to return 2 values, I would suggest the use of an SP with 2 OUTPUT params rather than a UDF.

  • What popuptext are do you want returned when the tblapptranslation does not have have a matching language and appname?

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • The Popuptext required if there is no record in the Translation table is the one from the Main table record

  • We created tables and views to solve this problem.

    create table Phrase

    (PhraseID int (PK)

    PhraseName varchar(50)


    create table LocalizedPhrase

    (PhraseID int (pk, FK)

    LanguageID int (pk)

    Phrase varchar(3000)


    We have a view that joins the localized phrases with the english language phrase so we are ensure of getting something back.

    The app maintains the phrase list. We use an external $ervi¢e to translate phrases to multiple languages.

  • The main table will not necessarily hold englisg text. The text will be in the local language of the user who inserted the record. There will always be a pair of text fields available, but not necessarily in the translation language requested.

    The required results are :


    Pass in parameters of @tablename @entity and @language

    MAIN TABLE described as


    EntityID1 int



    TRANSLATION TABLE described as

    TABLENAME = tblMainTranslation

    EntityID2 int



    SELECT [Description2],PopupText2 FROM @tablenameTranslation WHERE EntityID2 = @entity AND languageID = @languageI

    If no record found then

    SELECT [Description1],Popuptext1 FROM

    @tablename WHERE EntityID1 = @entity

    There are many pairs of associated tables that are populated through application code.

    I am trying to find a way of having a single code object that can be parameterised to handle translation in a common way

  • Try this using a Stored Procedure

    if exists (SELECT [Description2],PopupText2 FROM @tablenameTranslation WHERE EntityID2 = @entity AND languageID = @languageI)


    SELECT [Description2],PopupText2 FROM @tablenameTranslation WHERE EntityID2 = @entity AND languageID = @languageI



    begin --If no record found then

    SELECT [Description1],Popuptext1 FROM

    @tablename WHERE EntityID1 = @entity


    If this is part of an application return you might try the suggestion of using two output parameters so you can avoid a record set. Otherwise the above syntax should do what you want.

  • Thanks for that.

    Right I've now got the following statements to return the correct information in a grid.

    Can anyone advise how to capture the returned data into output parameters ?

    I am getting errors regarding 'must declare variable' if I use SELECT @outparm=[Description] within the selectstring parameter.

  • And here are the statements :-

    DECLARE @tablename char(30)

    DECLARE @languageID int

    DECLARE @entityID int

    SET @tablename='tblIANMain'

    SET @languageID=64

    SET @entityID=1

    DECLARE @selectstring nvarchar(500)

    SET @selectstring='SELECT [Description],PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' +

    rtrim(ltrim(@tablename)) + 'Translation WHERE EntityID = ' + cast(@entityID as char(2)) +

    ' AND LanguageID = ' + cast(@languageID as char(2))

    exec (@selectstring)

    if @@rowcount=0


    SET @selectstring='SELECT [Description],PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' +

    rtrim(ltrim(@tablename)) + ' WHERE EntityID = ' + cast(@entityID as char(2))

    exec (@selectstring)


  • Try this for the procedure side.

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_GetDesAndPopup

    @tablename sysname,

    @languageID int,

    @entityID int,

    @Description varchar(100) OUTPUT,

    @PopupText varchar(100) OUTPUT



    DECLARE @sqlstr nvarchar(2000)

    SET @sqlstr = 'if exists (SELECT @Description = [Description], @PopupText = PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' + @tablename + ' Translation WHERE EntityID = @entityID AND LanguageID = @languageID)

    SELECT @Description = [Description], @PopupText = PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' + @tablename + 'Translation WHERE EntityID = @entityID AND LanguageID = @languageID


    SELECT @Description = [Description], @PopupText = PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' + @tablename + ' WHERE EntityID = @entityID'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlstr, N'@languageID int, @entityID int, @Description varchar(100) OUTPUT, @PopupText varchar(100) OUTPUT', @languageID, @entityID, @Description OUTPUT, @PopupText OUTPUT

  • When I run this as a procedure

    declare @out1 varchar(50)

    declare @out2 varchar(300)

    exec usp_GetDesAndPopup tblIANMain,64,1,@out1,@out2

    it gives errors

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.

    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'else'.

    sql does not seem to like the @description=[description] syntax within the built string

    As a single non-parameterised sql statement it works fine

  • I believe all you are missing is the OUTPUT keyword with the parameters that are accepting OUTPUT. But try this.

    declare @out1 varchar(50)

    declare @out2 varchar(300)

    exec usp_GetDesAndPopup @tablename = 'tblIANMain', @languageID = 64, @entityID = 1, @Description = @out1 OUTPUT, @PopupText = @out2 OUTPUT

  • I've just run the amended statement, but this still returns the same errors

  • I am such an idiot here is the problem and it is all my fault.

    Change this

    SET @sqlstr = 'if exists (SELECT @Description = [Description], @PopupText = PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' + @tablename + ' Translation WHERE EntityID = @entityID AND LanguageID = @languageID)

    SELECT @Description = [Description], @PopupText = PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' + @tablename + 'Translation WHERE EntityID = @entityID AND LanguageID = @languageID


    SELECT @Description = [Description], @PopupText = PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' + @tablename + ' WHERE EntityID = @entityID'


    SET @sqlstr = 'if exists (SELECT [Description], PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' + @tablename + ' Translation WHERE EntityID = @entityID AND LanguageID = @languageID)

    SELECT @Description = [Description], @PopupText = PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' + @tablename + 'Translation WHERE EntityID = @entityID AND LanguageID = @languageID


    SELECT @Description = [Description], @PopupText = PopupText FROM EDB.dbo.' + @tablename + ' WHERE EntityID = @entityID'

    Sorry about that.

  • Thanks for that -

    it's now complaining about an invalid column

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

    Invalid column name 'LanguageID'.

    This column is correctly defined in tblIANMAinTranslation table

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