Get month days

  • Thanks DanMcClain,

    Then the function becomes very simple. Examples:

    DECLARE @date DATETIME = '02/01/2012';

    SELECT DAY(EOMONTH(@date)) AS Result;

    SET @date = '02/01/2014';

    SELECT DAY(EOMONTH(@date)) AS Result;







    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • Wow. That's pretty compact. Thanks for sharing.

  • In SQL Server 2012 it's just as easy as:


  • In SQL Server 2012 it's as easy as:


  • I know this post is serveral years old now but wanted to say nice post on the following... definitely the right idea.

    kaj wrote:


    I really think you're overcomplicating it. From my point of view it is much simpler to add one month to the date and then subtract the day number, which brings you back to the last day of the previous month. Then it's only a matter of extracting the day (which must be equal to the number of days of the month of the supplied date).

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetMonthDays 
    ( @InputDate DateTime )
    RETURNS int
    RETURN DAY(DATEADD(m,1,@InputDate) - DAY(DATEADD(m,1,@InputDate)))

    I find it simpel and elegant.

    If you want to go for really "short" and you don't have a version of SQL that has EOMONTH(), try the following formula...


    As a bit of a sidebar, I probably wouldn't make a function for this.  A Scalar function would take 7 times longer to run  (until SQL Server 2019 came out).  The code is short enough to just include it in the main code.


    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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