get percentage of sale quantity based on items from same group verses the Part-12 item

  • So in the example I divide the quantity of each item by the quantity of 230-12. I would like to do this in the QUERY . The results will be a long list of different PartClasses, Partgroup's and PartID's and for some the Part-12 quantity will be 0
    so I can't divided by that. Thank you.

    select impPartClassID,impPartGroupID,omlPartID, sum(omlOrderQuantity) as qty
    from salesorders
    left outer join SalesOrderLines on omlSalesOrderID=ompSalesOrderID
    left outer join parts on impPartID=omlPartID
    where ompCreatedDate >='03-01-2019' and impPartClassID in ('FGI','FGM')
    and impPartGroupID in(select impPartGroupID from Parts where impPartID like '%-12' and
    impPartClassID in ('FGI','FGM'))

    group by impPartClassID,impPartGroupID,omlPartID
    order by impPartClassID,impPartGroupID,omlPartID

  • This is the answer. Per a suggestion from Barand from Php Freaks

    SELECT pt.impPartGroupID
        ,sum(sl.omlExtendedPriceBase) AS Total
        ,sum(sl.omlOrderQuantity) AS qty
        ,sum(sl.omlOrderQuantity) / q12 AS pcent
    FROM m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders so
    LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.SalesOrderLines sl ON omlSalesOrderID = ompSalesOrderId
    LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.Parts pt ON impPartID = omlPartID
        SELECT imppartgroupid
            ,sum(omlOrderQuantity) AS q12
        FROM m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders
        LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.SalesOrderLines ON omlSalesOrderID = ompSalesOrderId
        LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.Parts ptt ON impPartID = omlPartID
        WHERE ompCreatedDate > '03-01-2019'
            AND impPartClassID IN (
            AND omlpartid LIKE '%-12'
        GROUP BY impPartGroupID
        ) AS cte ON cte.impPartGroupID = omlPartGroupID
    WHERE ompCreatedDate > '03-01-2019'
        AND impPartClassID IN (
    GROUP BY pt.impPartGroupID
    ORDER BY impPartGroupID

  • kat35601 - Thursday, March 21, 2019 2:24 PM

    This is the answer. Per a suggestion from Barand from Php Freaks

    SELECT pt.impPartGroupID
        ,sum(sl.omlExtendedPriceBase) AS Total
        ,sum(sl.omlOrderQuantity) AS qty
        ,sum(sl.omlOrderQuantity) / q12 AS pcent
    FROM m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders so
    LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.SalesOrderLines sl ON omlSalesOrderID = ompSalesOrderId
    LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.Parts pt ON impPartID = omlPartID
        SELECT imppartgroupid
            ,sum(omlOrderQuantity) AS q12
        FROM m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders
        LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.SalesOrderLines ON omlSalesOrderID = ompSalesOrderId
        LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.Parts ptt ON impPartID = omlPartID
        WHERE ompCreatedDate > '03-01-2019'
            AND impPartClassID IN (
            AND omlpartid LIKE '%-12'
        GROUP BY impPartGroupID
        ) AS cte ON cte.impPartGroupID = omlPartGroupID
    WHERE ompCreatedDate > '03-01-2019'
        AND impPartClassID IN (
    GROUP BY pt.impPartGroupID
    ORDER BY impPartGroupID

    That may be AN answer, but I don't think it is THE answer.  I believe the following will perform much better, because you don't have to read/scan each of the tables multiple times.  It's completely untested, since you didn't provide consumable data.

    , sl.omlPartID
    , sum(sl.omlExtendedPriceBase) AS Total
    , sum(sl.omlOrderQuantity) AS qty
    , 1.0 * sum(sl.omlOrderQuantity) / NULLIF(SUM(SUM(q12)) OVER(PARTITION BY pt.impPartGroupID), 0) AS pcent
    FROM m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders so
    LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.SalesOrderLines sl
      ON omlSalesOrderID = ompSalesOrderId
    LEFT JOIN m1_KF.dbo.Parts pt
      ON impPartID = omlPartID
      SELECT omlOrderQuantity
      WHERE omlpartid LIKE '%-12'
    ) cte(q12)
    WHERE ompCreatedDate > '03-01-2019'
      AND impPartClassID IN ('FGI','FGM')
    GROUP BY pt.impPartGroupID,omlPartID
    ORDER BY impPartGroupID,omlPartID

    You may need to add a CTE to get the windowed function to operate properly.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Drew that works very well. Thanks You

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