Get total waiting time and number of rows from date intervals

  • In the below given schema and data, we need to find the time waited for each vehicle and number of stops.

      --- CREATE TABLE 

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_Detail](   [Sno] [int] NOT NULL,   [VehicleId] [nchar](10) NULL,   [DriverId] [nchar](10) NULL,   [LocationId] [nchar](10) NULL,   [StartTime] [datetime2](7) NULL,   [EndTime] [datetime2](7) NULL   )  CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_Main](   [Sno] [int] NOT NULL,   [VehicleId] [nchar](10) NULL,   [StartTime] [datetime2](7) NULL,   [EndTime] [datetime2](7) NULL)    

    -- INSERT DATA  INSERT [dbo].[Table_Main] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (1, N'1001  ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:25:33.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T17:25:33.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 

    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Main] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (2, N'1002  ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T06:12:52.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T11:21:35.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 

    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Main] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (3, N'1003  ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T06:32:52.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T11:21:35.0000000' AS DateTime2))

    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Main] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (4, N'1003  ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T13:12:21.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T19:23:32.0000000' AS DateTime2))

    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (1, N'1001  ', N'34   ', N'53   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:55:32.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T08:15:23.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (2, N'1002  ', N'23   ', N'65   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:11:33.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:45:33.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (3, N'1001  ', N'34   ', N'53   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T09:22:52.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T09:45:59.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (4, N'1002  ', N'23   ', N'65   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T10:25:13.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T11:15:23.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (5, N'1001  ', N'34   ', N'53   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T11:25:36.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T12:35:37.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (6, N'1001  ', N'34   ', N'53   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T15:15:33.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T15:25:21.0000000' AS DateTime2))

     INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (7, N'1003  ', N'48   ', N'74 ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:13:13.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T08:05:01.0000000' AS DateTime2))
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (8, N'1003  ', N'48   ', N'74 ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T09:43:12.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T10:05:42.0000000' AS DateTime2))
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (9, N'1003  ', N'48   ', N'74 ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T14:13:13.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T14:45:21.0000000' AS DateTime2))

    My expected result is

    VehicleId ElapsedTime  NoOfRecords
    1001   02:02:47:000 4
    1002   01:24:10:000  2

    1003   01:04:43:000  2
    1003    00:32:10:000  1

    ie :Total time waited for vehicle 1 is Total Time : 02:03:20 No of Records :4

    this way i need SQL Query for all the vehicles based on the start time . for a given date, we can have mulitple start time and this has to be checked against inbetween of end time in the detail table

  • What did you try? A DATEDIFF to get an individual record's wait and then sum that?

  • To get the seconds waited you can use this:
    select VehicleId,
            SUM(DATEDIFF(ss,StartTime,EndTime)) Seconds,
            Count(*) Count
      from [dbo].[Table_Detail]
     group by VehicleId

    All you need to do then in work out how to convert seconds to hh:mm:ss format. (It might help if you put it in a cte)
    This might help with that:

  • Jonathan AC Roberts - Saturday, February 16, 2019 4:44 PM

    To get the seconds waited you can use this:
    select VehicleId,
            SUM(DATEDIFF(ss,StartTime,EndTime)) Seconds,
            Count(*) Count
      from [dbo].[Table_Detail]
     group by VehicleId

    All you need to do then in work out how to convert seconds to hh:mm:ss format. (It might help if you put it in a cte)
    This might help with that:

    I am not getting the expected result. can u also lookin the vehicle 3 has came twice on same date.
    want it to be also splitted

  • Shanmuga Raj - Friday, February 15, 2019 4:21 AM

    In the below given schema and data, we need to find the time waited for each vehicle and number of stops.

      --- CREATE TABLE 

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_Detail](   [Sno] [int] NOT NULL,   [VehicleId] [nchar](10) NULL,   [DriverId] [nchar](10) NULL,   [LocationId] [nchar](10) NULL,   [StartTime] [datetime2](7) NULL,   [EndTime] [datetime2](7) NULL   )  CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_Main](   [Sno] [int] NOT NULL,   [VehicleId] [nchar](10) NULL,   [StartTime] [datetime2](7) NULL,   [EndTime] [datetime2](7) NULL)    

    -- INSERT DATA  INSERT [dbo].[Table_Main] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (1, N'1001  ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:25:33.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T17:25:33.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 

    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Main] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (2, N'1002  ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T06:12:52.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T11:21:35.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 

    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Main] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (3, N'1003  ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T06:32:52.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T11:21:35.0000000' AS DateTime2))

    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Main] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (4, N'1003  ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T13:12:21.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T19:23:32.0000000' AS DateTime2))

    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (1, N'1001  ', N'34   ', N'53   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:55:32.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T08:15:23.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (2, N'1002  ', N'23   ', N'65   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:11:33.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:45:33.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (3, N'1001  ', N'34   ', N'53   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T09:22:52.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T09:45:59.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (4, N'1002  ', N'23   ', N'65   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T10:25:13.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T11:15:23.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (5, N'1001  ', N'34   ', N'53   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T11:25:36.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T12:35:37.0000000' AS DateTime2)) 
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (6, N'1001  ', N'34   ', N'53   ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T15:15:33.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T15:25:21.0000000' AS DateTime2))

     INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (7, N'1003  ', N'48   ', N'74 ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T07:13:13.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T08:05:01.0000000' AS DateTime2))
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (8, N'1003  ', N'48   ', N'74 ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T09:43:12.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T10:05:42.0000000' AS DateTime2))
    INSERT [dbo].[Table_Detail] ([Sno], [VehicleId], [DriverId], [LocationId], [StartTime], [EndTime]) VALUES (9, N'1003  ', N'48   ', N'74 ', CAST(N'2019-02-15T14:13:13.0000000' AS DateTime2), CAST(N'2019-02-15T14:45:21.0000000' AS DateTime2))

    My expected result is

    VehicleId ElapsedTime  NoOfRecords
    1001   02:02:47:000 4
    1002   01:24:10:000  2

    1003   01:04:43:000  2
    1003    00:32:10:000  1

    ie :Total time waited for vehicle 1 is Total Time : 02:03:20 No of Records :4

    this way i need SQL Query for all the vehicles based on the start time . for a given date, we can have mulitple start time and this has to be checked against inbetween of end time in the detail table

    "Detail" isn't super descriptive. What do the parent table records represent? The beginning and end of a trip? 
    What about the child table records? Stops along the way?

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