Getting a dup submit error from web form

  • I am having an erratic error I am trying to eliminate. Our help desk sends out links to customer satisfaction surveys for their users to take. Their responses to these surveys are being written into a table in SQL Server 2000 by an .asp page. They send out around 100 links at once with different "ticket id's" on them. The page is coded so that if that ticket id exists in the table already they are not allowed to take the survey--they are instead shown a "sorry that survey has already been taken" page. The error I am getting however is from trying to submit a survey a second time: "Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'IX_CUST_QA_Feedback'.

    Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'CUST_QA_Feedback'."

    The thing is the coding is not forcing a second submit and the users are not hitting the submit button twice--it seems to be happening "behind the scenes" and "at will". When I was tracking submits previously I would get a sucessful submit flag and a second later get a duplicate submit flag for the same ticket id with having done nothing out of the ordinary on the submit (no brower issues, no hitting my mouse buttons twice etc).

    Is it possible that two people submitting two different surveys at the exact same time could be causing this fluke error? Or does anyone know of any "bug" that exists in relation to doing submits from a web form using asp?

  • Don't know for sure but I see people double click on web pages all the time, you might see if a double click on the submit button causes the same behavior. Also check the ASP code on the confirmation page to make sure the redirect is going some where else.

  • The coding looks fine and I know the users are not clicking anything twice. I think either the page is somehow accidentally sending the request twice or SQL Server is trying to run the request twice. I'm not sure which side the issue is on which is why I was wondering if anyone else has seen this happen at all.

  • Could be any number of things, but it looks like this guy has same issue...

  • Thanks! I'll go join that discussion since it does indeed sound like the same issue (or very similar!)

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