Getting Error "Cannot open the datafile" upon execution.

  • Hi,

    I have a SSIS package, which gives me following errow upon execution. "[Error Output2 [4559]] Error: Cannot open the datafile "\\Server\it\client data\ASCEND\Current Batch Processing\raw\Errors\ERRORS_Charges.txt"."

    I created this file my self. I am using this to redirect rows. I even restarted my computer, but it's not helping. I have SP2 installed.

    Anyone knows what's going on?

    I have researched this error, but couldn't really find what would cause it and how can I get rid of it?



  • Hello Rav,

    Have you checked whether the file created by you is accessible by the SSIS connection credentials?

    Does the SSIS connection has access privileges to the shared / network location?

    Hope this helps.



  • lucky (2/4/2008)

    Hello Rav,

    Have you checked whether the file created by you is accessible by the SSIS connection credentials?

    Does the SSIS connection has access privileges to the shared / network location?

    SSIS does have permission to that folder. Rest of the files in that directory are accessible.

    Something else that would cause it?



  • \\Server\it\client data\ASCEND\Current Batch Processing\raw\Errors\ERRORS_Charges.txt

    By the path of the file, it may be that your package is trying to use a Raw File Destination or Raw File Source.

    These are not text files, so it may simply have a problem with the fact that you created an empty text file.

  • These are not text files, so it may simply have a problem with the fact that you created an empty text file.

    Yeah, I did create a an empty text file. How can I resolve this error ?



  • You must use a Raw File Destination component to create a raw file.

    Raw Files are in a binary format that is native to SQL server and SSIS. These are used to hold data in transitional forms on disk in places in which you do not need to read the data by any other means. For example, if you have a package that runs every hour that loads data into a folder from one database, and then another package that is run on-demand to load this data into another database, you may want to use a raw file. The advantage is that since SSIS does not need to parse the file like it would a text file, it can load very fast and use less system resources in the process.

    If the component you are getting the error from is a destination component, there is a property to indicate if it should create the file when the package runs - make sure this is set properly.

    If the component is a raw file source component, you need to create a raw file that has the correct columns and data types by running a package to generate the raw file. There must already be a package to do this - find the package or step that is supposed to run before the package you are dealing with and run it to create the file.

  • Michael,

    I tried what you said, but i'm getting an error saying that "the raw adapters do not support image, text, or ntext data."

    I am attaching two screenshots of my Advanced Editor and a screen shot of my data flow window. Let me know what you think.


  • To add with Rav's query, i too faced this same error. In my case i use text files as my source initially it was working fine. But now it throws an error saying that [FF_SRC_BPRSPT [1]] Error: Cannot open the datafile " C:\MF_SQL\SrcFiles\Budgeting\BPRSPT.txt". Few other packages in the solution uses this same folder and it is working fine. Out of 8 packages in my solution only 2 went fine rest fails stating an error in flat files. All the packages uses the same folder for its source files.

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