Getting field value from notepad

  • Hi Everybody,

    I have table with two columns,join_date and empno.I saved the join_date value inside the notepad and saved it in C:\join_date.txt

    I'm trying to write a sql statement that will fetch the value from notepad while executing the update statement

    update emp_table set join_date=(file_name) where empno='890'

    WHat should I put in place of file name.

    or is there another way to do this.

    Pls help

    (The notepad has only one single date value)

  • What are you trying to accomplish?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • You can use OPENROWSET() to open the file. I have a script in the code library section of my blog[/url] for using this function.

    However, like Jason asked, what is the business purpose for doing this? Why does it need to be in a file?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • If join date is the date someone joined a group, then just populate it when you first insert your row. If you want it handled by the database for you, you can create the column as NOT NULL DEFAULT GetDate(), but I would be very hesitant about updating tables with data from text files unless the content of the text files is very tightly controlled.

    There must be something that's not being said here for the purpose of having the data in a text file in the first place.

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