Getting Metadata

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to get the foreign key info in here. First, I'm getting PK info, I would like to do the same for FK's. Here's partial code below:


    /* First select fetches table document elements and defines document format

    * through SQLXML explicit format column names. */

    SELECT distinct 2 as tag, NULL as parent, as [Table!2!Name],

    [Table!2!IsUpdateable] = CASE syso.xtype

    WHEN 'u' THEN 1

    WHEN 'v' THEN 0 END,

    NULL as [Column!3!Name],

    NULL as [Column!3!DataType],

    NULL as [Column!3!Length],

    NULL as [Column!3!IsNullable],

    NULL as [Column!3!ID],

    NULL as [Column!3!Description],

    NULL as [Column!3!IsIndexed],

    NULL as [Column!3!IsPrimaryKey],

    /* I would like to add a check for IsForeignKey key here

    * after the check for the IsPrimaryKey.


    NULL as [Column!3!IsIdentity],

    NULL as [Procedure!4!Name],

    NULL as [Parameter!5!Name],

    NULL as [Parameter!5!DataType],

    NULL as [Parameter!5!Length],

    NULL as [Parameter!5!IsNullable],

    NULL as [Parameter!5!ID],

    NULL as [Parameter!5!IsOutParam],

    NULL as [Parameter!5!Description]

    FROM sysobjects syso

    WHERE != 'dtproperties'

    AND != 'meta'

    AND != 'sysconstraints'

    AND != 'syssegments'

    AND (syso.xtype = 'u' or syso.xtype = 'v')

    Can anyone help?


  • Information about foreign keys is stored in sysreferences table.

    The colums fkeyid and rkeyid are the objectid's of the referencing table and the referenced table respectively.

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