Getting the user name in another DB

  • Hello everyone,

    What would be the better way to dynamically get the user name of my login in a database other than the database where I am positionned.

    Lets say the login L (my login name) have acces to database D and E.

    The Login L is user name X in database D and user name Y in database E (but I don't know that).

    I am currently in database X.

    I can use USER or user_name() to get the user name X (in the current database) but how can I get user name Y being in database D?

    Best regards,


  • sp_helplogins

  • Thank's David,

    this solution requires the login to have sysadmin and securityadmin fixed server roles.

    Not my case. 🙁

    Anything else?

    Best regards.


  • If you are unable to run this select statement because of permissions, turn this into a stored procedure and then get execute permissions on the procedure if you can.

    DECLARE @name sysname,

    @db sysname,

    @query nvarchar(1000),

    @counter int

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pool') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Pool

    SELECT IDENTITY (int , 1, 1 ) AS PID,



    INTO #Pool


    WHERE CATALOG_NAME NOT IN ('tempdb', 'model')

    SET @counter = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

    -- Loop through each database name

    WHILE @counter > 0


    SELECT @name = CATALOG_NAME + '.' + SCHEMA_OWNER + '.sysusers',

    @db = CATALOG_NAME

    FROM #Pool

    WHERE PID = @counter

    SELECT @query = 'SELECT ' + QUOTENAME(@db, '''') + 'as ' + QUOTENAME('DB', '''') +

    ', ' + QUOTENAME('login', '''') +

    ', ' + QUOTENAME('user', '''') +

    ' FROM master.dbo.sysxlogins sx' +

    ' JOIN ' + @name + ' su' +

    ' ON sx.sid = su.sid'

    EXEC (@query)

    SET @counter = @counter - 1


    DROP TABLE #Pool

  • Thanks a lot David,

    Here is what I will use:

    [font="Courier New"]IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##MyOtherUserName') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE ##MyOtherUserName

    CREATE TABLE ##MyOtherUserName(UName varchar(30))

    DECLARE @stmt nvarchar(500)

    SET @stmt = 'use E'+char(10)+'INSERT INTO ##MyOtherUserName select user'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @stmt

    SELECT * FROM ##MyOtherUserName[/font]

    Best regards.


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