• Comments posted to this topic are about the item GOTO and T-SQL

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor

  • Well said, Phil. Perhaps this very well written editorial could be followed by a deeper article on why people shouldn't jump the gun because they read a title or an article by a famous author. Like Sergiy taught me, "A Developer must NOT GUESS! A Developer must know." The only way to know is to do some additional research and conduct your own tests with an open mind.

    I've run into similar problems. For example, I've been told by a couple of friend DBAs in the past that we don't have to concern ourselves with properly sizing a database, that SQL Server was built to automatically handle all of that right from the startup of a new server. The information came from a sentence in the front of a book written by a very well known and respected author. People just don't understand that even "experts" like well known authors can make a "mistrake". 😉

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Well said. When I read the first part of your paragraph I was shocked to see that I am being told not to use GOTO.

    I had a similar reaction when reading an article about not using DBCC SHRINKFILE, at the start it was NO NO NO. But reading the whole article tells you that is not the case. I'm sure many people must read the first bit and leave it at that.

  • I have never felt the need to write a goto statement.

  • I like this sentence in the article.

    It is a shame that useful, but subtle, guidance can morph so rapidly into a ‘policy’ that becomes ‘mandatory’.

    "Keep Trying"

  • It can work the other way too, where something is promoted early in an article and then disparaged straight after. Of course, once a reader has read the for arguements, they feel that they understand the subject and decide not to read any more.

    The waterfall accident:

  • I very rarely use GOTO, in fact I cannot remember when I last used it.

    If I have a large stored proc with a complex transaction then on failure of any part of the transaction I might use GOTO to jump to the ROLLBACK TRANSACTION code.

    To be honest, TRY...CATCH handles most scenarios for me.

    GOTO is useful when some processing logic results in a value that indicates that the rest of the transactional process should not proceed.

    The alternative is to set a BIT variable to TRUE and after each step in the transaction set it to FALSE if the success criteria is not met.

    Wrap each step in the transaction up in

    IF @SuccessFLAG=1




  • I think GOTO is great and like to employ it at every opportunity. How else do you sensibly structure conditional exit points?

    Just kidding. I don't think I've ever felt the need in my SQL or code of any sort - save perhaps some error handling in Access if I can remember that far back? Anyway I would not be scared if I did need to use it it's fair to say.

  • I found myself using one just the other day, and although it was by far the neatest and most readable option for the logic I was using, I still felt the need to add an apology in the comments!

    Like everything (even, dare I say it, cursors), it's got its place, but anything more than occasional use should be a pointer for closer scrutiny.

  • In an age when animal could still speak...

    Ok, not that long ago, about 12 years ago I got my first programming lessons I used the GOTO instead of using OO functions.

    Over the years as my knowledge of programming grew and my enthusiasm to program grew less, I started to replace the GOTO less.

    I didn't even know that it was in the SQL options.

    In programming I can think of one use to still use it, to quickly skip code your debugging but the project can no longer wait to go live.

  • Got to agree with the general point of Phil's editorial. Look at the instruction set of even the most up to date Processors and they all still include a GOTO and or JUMP statement. Sometimes there is just not a better way to skip some statements. In T-SQL oddly I've never needed GOTO but the day may come and I'm glad its still there.

  • First assignment in university I used GOTO.

    It came back with red ink saying not to.

    I cried and I wailed.

    Then realized it was I who had failed.

    Then I bid GOTO adieu.

  • I've been coding for 25+ years, starting out in COBOL on IBM mainframes. GOTOs when used wisely can provide an invaluable coding construct. It all comes down to the 'style' of the coder - if they use GOTO carefully and with structure, it can really simplify a code module. But, unfortunately, most people just abuse it, and they (rightly so) get told not to do that again.

    Like a lot of options, use it wisely, because if you abuse it, it will bite you.

    And, YES, I do still code with GOTOs in T-SQL, where appropriate.

  • I'd use a GOTO if I felt the need. Mostly though, the "Not-a-GOTO" statements handle it these days. So I haven't used a literal "GOTO" in T-SQL in years.

    After all, "While Begin End" is just a goto loop, with "End" instead of "Goto" and "While" instead of a target label. Same can be said for Try Catch being a "covert GOTO".

    Different name, same mechanism, same use, better rep.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • In addition to making the code less structured and less readable, another problem (at least for those who choose to use it) with T-SQL's implementation of GOTO is that it's less functional; it's a one way jump and there is no equivalent to Visual Basic's RETURN statement to return control to the statement after the one that issued the GOTO. We do have a RETURN statement, but it's not used for returning from a GOTO branch. That limited control flow functionality was actually good, it prevented T-SQL developers from ever making extensive usage of the GOTO. I don't think I've ever worked in an organization where it's use was common, except for error handling in v2000 and earlier.

    I use bit flag variables for control flow extensively, and I may even have a half dozen or more for a procedure with a complex braching process, because the same indicator may control multiple code blocks, and that reusability makes the code more readable. For example:

    if @use_old_elig_table = 1




    Sometimes I'll even expose the indicator flags as output parameters, so they can be used for unit testing purposes, or so the application can use them to determine details about what steps were performed internally by the stored procedure.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

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