Grab value from XML based on another column's value

  • I need a way to dynamically grab a value from an XML string based on a value in another column in my table. The end result should look like the table below:

    DECLARE @temp TABLE(

    ErrorText nvarchar(4000),

    Severity nvarchar(3),

    ErrorCol nvarchar(50),

    ErrorData XML,

    ErrorValue nvarchar(50)


    Insert INTO @Temp

    select 'Field EnrolledFromDateID does not comply with validation rule' as ErrorText, 'E' as Severity, 'EnrolledFromDateID' as ErrorCol, '<root><DW_Id>1</DW_Id><EnrolledFromDateID>20090901</EnrolledFromDateID><AcademicYear>20092010</AcademicYear></root>' as ErrorData, '20090901' as ErrorValue


    select 'Field AcademicYear does not comply with validation rule', 'W', 'AcademicYear', '<root><DW_Id>1</DW_Id><EnrolledFromDateID>20090901</EnrolledFromDateID><AcademicYear>20092010</AcademicYear></root>' as ErrorData, '20092010' as ErrorValue

    select * from @temp

    I've been doing a CROSS APPLY to my XML column, but I have to specify the node(?) name in my select statement. My query is below:

    DECLARE @temp TABLE(

    ErrorText nvarchar(4000),

    Severity nvarchar(3),

    ErrorCol nvarchar(50),

    ErrorData XML,

    ErrorValue nvarchar(50)


    Insert INTO @Temp

    select 'Field EnrolledFromDateID does not comply with validation rule' as ErrorText, 'E' as Severity, 'EnrolledFromDateID' as ErrorCol, '<root><DW_Id>1</DW_Id><EnrolledFromDateID>20090901</EnrolledFromDateID><AcademicYear>20092010</AcademicYear></root>' as ErrorData, '20090901' as ErrorValue


    select 'Field AcademicYear does not comply with validation rule', 'W', 'AcademicYear', '<root><DW_Id>1</DW_Id><EnrolledFromDateID>20090901</EnrolledFromDateID><AcademicYear>20092010</AcademicYear></root>' as ErrorData, '20092010' as ErrorValue

    select t.*, n.l.value('EnrolledFromDateID[1]','VARCHAR(20)') as DesiredValue from @temp t

    CROSS APPLY ErrorData.nodes('//root') n(l)

    Any suggestions? Thanks!

  • select t.*, n.l.value('.','VARCHAR(20)') as DesiredValue

    from @temp t

    CROSS APPLY ErrorData.nodes('/root/*[local-name(.)=sql:column("ErrorCol")]') n(l)


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • That was exactly what I needed. Thanks, Mark!

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