Group By - Help

  • I have a query which returns the following output

    DECLARE @tbl TABLE (ColA int, ColIDs varchar(100), ColDescription varchar(200) )

    INSERT INTO @tbl

    SELECT 130, '123;456;789;111',  '3D0041-1 Receptacle'


    SELECT 130, '123;456;111',  '3D0041-1 Receptacle'


    SELECT 130, '456;2;564;123;111', '3D0041-1 Receptacle'


    SELECT 130, '444;555;666;33;22;111', '3D0041-1 Receptacle'


    SELECT 130, '3322;2233;111',  '3D0041-1 Receptacle'


    SELECT 130, '12;32;45;67;77',  '9D0062-1-08-10 Bracket'


    SELECT 130, '12;3254;77',  '9D0062-1-08-10 Bracket'


    SELECT 130, '12;32;77',  '9D0062-1-08-10 Bracket'

    select * FROM @tbl

    I need a query to return 2 rows like

    130 3322;2233;111  3D0041-1 Receptacle


    130 123;456;111  3D0041-1 Receptacle


    130 12;3254;77  9D0062-1-08-10 Bracket


    130 12;32;77  9D0062-1-08-10 Bracket

    The criteria for selecting the 2nd column would be the one that has the least number of ';'

    select colA, MAX(ColIDs) ColIDs, ColDescription

    FROM @tbl

    GROUP BY colA, ColDescription

    Basically I want to change the MAX function in the above query to get the ColIDs column with

    the least number of ';'

    Thanks in advance

  • This would be handled real easy with a split function.  Search SSC for dbo.split.  Another option would be to create your own UDF to read through your ColIDs value one character at a time to split out the numbers, but if you're going to spend the time to do this, you'd might as well use the split function.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanks John. I have a Split functions that return the number of times ';' repeats. How will the query work with the split function ? The query has to return the COlIDs with the least number of ';'


  • So your function returns a scalar value and not a table?  If so, can you post your split function.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I have to give credit to Igor from where I got this function.,54,33,27115

    CREATE function OCCURS(@cSearchExpression nvarchar(4000), @cExpressionSearched nvarchar(4000))

    returns smallint





                  when datalength(@cSearchExpression) > 0

                  then   ( datalength(@cExpressionSearched)

                       - datalength(replace(@cExpressionSearched  COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN,

                                             @cSearchExpression   COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN,  ''))) 

                      / datalength(@cSearchExpression)

                 else 0




  • Well, what if 2 or more rows have the same number of occurances?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • It does not matter - any row with the least occurance would work.

  • You may have to play around with it, but this should work (or at least get you started):

    SELECT t1.ColA,



    FROM @tbl t1

        INNER JOIN (

                    SELECT ColA,

                        MIN(dbo.Occurs(';',ColIDs)) as 'MINoccurs',


                    FROM @tbl t1

                    GROUP BY ColA, ColDescription

                    ) t2

        ON t1.ColA = t2.ColA AND t1.ColDescription = t2.ColDescription AND dbo.Occurs(';',t1.ColIDs) = t2.MINoccurs


    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • This would return 2 rows for each of ColA and ColDescription.

    130 3D0041-1 Receptacle       123;456;111

    130 3D0041-1 Receptacle       3322;2233;111

    130 9D0062-1-08-10 Bracket   12;32;77

    130 9D0062-1-08-10 Bracket   12;3254;77

    I need either of rows in red and either of the rows in blue.


  • If it doesn't matter which one, just throw a MIN/MAX group by on the whole thing:

    SELECT t1.ColA,

        MIN(t1.ColIDs) as ColIDs,


    FROM @tbl t1

        INNER JOIN (

                    SELECT ColA,

                        MIN(dbo.Occurs(';',ColIDs)) as 'MINoccurs',


                    FROM @tbl t1

                    GROUP BY ColA, ColDescription

                    ) t2

        ON t1.ColA = t2.ColA AND t1.ColDescription = t2.ColDescription AND dbo.Occurs(';',t1.ColIDs) = t2.MINoccurs

    GROUP BY t1.ColA, t1.ColDescription

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanks John. That worked.

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