Group by is not SUMMING up the resultant data

  • When I run the following query, I expect the sum to add up for the column, Sdkretrocomm & it is not... and here is the output..

    Please help !!!


    select isnull(,0) as SDKConsultant,

    sum(ea.earn) as SDKRetroComm,

    coalesce(B.membernumber,0) as ProwessMember,

    coalesce(B.RetroBonus,0) as ProwessRetroComm,

    Diff = coalesce((ea.earn - b.RetroBonus),0),

    Percentage =


    when b.RetroBonus = 0 then 1

    when ea.earn = 0 then 1

    when b.RetroBonus is null then 1

    when ea.earn is null then 1

    when ea.earn > b.RetroBonus then (1-b.RetroBonus/ea.earn)

    when b.RetroBonus > ea.earn then (1-ea.earn/b.RetroBonus)

    else 0


    from [hqvm03\hqsqlinst05].sdk.dbo.DecBonusPaidRBTL_TMT Ea

    full outer join

    (select A.Membernumber, A.RetroBonus from


    bb.beenumber as MemberNumber,

    pc.initialadjustmentamount as RetroBonus

    from beebusiness bb

    join Proadjustment pc on pc.beebusinessguid = bb.beebusinessguid

    join beeentity be on be.beeentityguid = bb.beeentityguid

    where pc.cmmadjustmenttypeguid in (3218165285136582397821897346, 20290615709734463701490426574)


    on B.Membernumber = and ea.level in ('SCON', 'STMG')

    group by isnull(,0), coalesce(B.membernumber,0),


    coalesce((ea.earn - b.RetroBonus),0),


    when b.RetroBonus = 0 then 1

    when ea.earn = 0 then 1

    when b.RetroBonus is null then 1

    when ea.earn is null then 1

    when ea.earn > b.RetroBonus then (1-b.RetroBonus/ea.earn)

    when b.RetroBonus > ea.earn then (1-ea.earn/b.RetroBonus)

    else 0





    0048340 26.6000 48340 172.8900

    0048340 67.4100 48340 172.8900

    0048340 78.8800 48340 172.8900

    0050068 9.8400 50068 158.7300

    0050068 30.4800 50068 158.7300

    0050068 34.0400 50068 158.7300

    0050068 84.3600 50068 158.7300

    0054504 33.9600 54504 115.1000

  • can you please post the exact results you got after running above query as number of columns in sql query dont match with your output results?

  • it looks like you are grouping the same field that you are summing, so it will never sum correctly

    post your exact output and it will be easier to diagnose.

  • I prettty much pasted everything that I was seeing & that was that. Anyway, I got this sorted out by creating a derived table after grouping them.

    Thanks one & All !!!

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