Group By with Case

  • I'm trying to query for Group By with a Case.

    I want a total per Date but there are some Departments that have a different rule for calculating the total.

    I believe I need to move the Dept into the Case statement but I'm having difficulty with the syntax.

    Here is what I currently have:


    SET @FYStartDate = '2012-07-01'

    SELECT PPDate, Dept,


    When Dept in ('8310', '8330', '8380', '8500', '9360', '9550', '9610') THEN

    Sum([Value]/520) --measured quarterly

    WHEN Dept = '7120' THEN

    Sum([value]) --hard coded


    Sum(Value/80) --measured bi-weekly

    END AS 'Earned FTE'

    FROM #trends

    WHERE Dept not in ('6570','6580','6645','7221','9831') and --don't include these dept's

    PPDate >= @FYStartDate

    Group By PPDate, Dept

    Order By PPDate, Dept

    When I try removing the Dept from the SELECT/Group By I get the error:

    Column DEPT is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    Thanks for any insight.

    Here's the table/data (attached)

    This is my goal:

    07/14/2012 5.69

    07/28/2012 6.12

    08/11/2012 5.80

    08/25/2012 5.21

    09/08/2012 5.90

    09/22/2012 5.89

    10/06/2012 6.08

    10/20/2012 6.26

  • if you don't want to group by dept, then the SUM needs to be outside the CASE structure, like this:


    SET @FYStartDate = '2012-07-01'

    SELECT PPDate, --Dept,

    SUM(CASE WHEN Dept in ('8310', '8330', '8380', '8500', '9360', '9550', '9610') THEN [Value]/520 --measured quarterly

    WHEN Dept = '7120' THEN [value] --hard coded

    ELSE Value/80 --measured bi-weekly

    END) AS 'Earned FTE'

    FROM #trends

    WHERE Dept not in ('6570','6580','6645','7221','9831') --don't include these dept's

    AND PPDate >= @FYStartDate

    GROUP BY PPDate--, Dept

    ORDER BY PPDate--, Dept

  • Wow, that was easy!

    Thanks, it gives me what I'm looking for! Appreciated!

  • no problem, you made it easy for people to help you by posting the script with the CREATE, and INSERT

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