Group dates by company QTR

  • I need to group a date range and list that date range as FY2002,  QTR1,QTR2,QTR3 QTR4 for muti years.

    In the database mssql 2000 there is a date fields and there is also as year field, month field, and day field. The CFO whats to see a report on the reporting server that will list some company data like this, if date bewteen 10/01/2002 and 09/30/2003 then FY2003. I also would like to group by qtr, so if date bewteen 10/01/2002 and 12/31/2002 the QTR1. I am not sure how to start. I have been reading the SQL books online but have not found a way to accomplish this. Any help? Thanks in advance



  • How bout CASE WHEN FieldDt BETWEEN '2002-10-01' AND '2003-009-30' THEN 'FY2003'

    May need to look at creating a xref table to house Month / Year in it along with Quarter and FY


    ID Month Year Quarter FiscalYear

    1  10      2002 QTR1    FY2003

    You could then link this in and GROUP BY using this table

    Just a thought

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • How about this for a start

    SELECT [Year],[Qtr],SUM([value]) AS [value]

    FROM (SELECT [Year],DATEPART(quarter,[Date])+1 AS [Qtr],[value]


    WHERE [Month] < 10


    SELECT [Year]+1,1 as [Qtr],[value]

    WHERE [Month] >= 10


    ) x

    GROUP BY [Year],[Qtr]

    ORDER BY [Year],[Qtr]

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I will give those a shot and see what happens thanks

  • I created a stored procedure that uses the Quarter field. I do create it based on the Month field. You may be able to adapt to your needs. The brackets indicate of course that this is not a table field but a field created on the fly.



                            WHEN mpm.MPM_SALESMONTH IN (4, 5, 6) THEN 'Q2'

                            WHEN mpm.MPM_SALESMONTH IN (7, 8, 9) THEN 'Q3'

                            WHEN mpm.MPM_SALESMONTH IN (10, 11, 12) THEN 'Q4'


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