Grouping by Running Total

  • Hello,

    I am at the point where I have been looking at this situation for too long and am most likely over thinking it, so am coming here for a fresh set of eyes and minds.

    The situation that I have is I am wanting to group my records in multiples based on a running total of a column. So that when the running total of that column gets over a certain value (for example 6) the next group will be given another row number

    create table list_1

    (FieldA char(10) NULL

    , fieldB char(10) NULL

    , fieldC char(10) NULL

    , Int1 int NULL)

    insert into list_1

    VALUES ('ABC', 123, 'WHAT', 1)

    insert into list_1

    VALUEs ('DEF', 456, 'WHO', 4)

    insert into list_1

    VALUES ('GEH', 443, 'WHEN', 1)

    insert into list_1

    VALUES ('POL', 444, 'SOME', 1)

    insert into list_1

    VALUES ('CDF', 876, 'MORE', 2)

    insert into list_1

    VALUES ('RED', 23, 'PIE', 1)

    insert into list_1

    VALUES ('HGG', 444, 'WHAT', 1)

    insert into list_1

    VALUES ('ERE', 876, 'IF', 2)

    insert into list_1

    VALUES ('UIU', 23, 'TODAY', 1)

    This should give you something like :

      FieldA fieldB fieldC Int1

      ABC 123 WHAT 1

      DEF 456 WHO 4

      GEH 443 WHEN 1

      POL 444 SOME 1

      CDF 876 MORE 2

      RED 23 PIE 1

      HGG 444 WHAT 1

      ERE 876 IF 2

      UIU 23 TODAY 1

    What I am wanting to so is put an additional field on the end which represents a group/row number that resets once the sum of Int1 exceeds 6

    For example

      FieldA fieldB fieldC Int1 GroupNum

      ABC 123 WHAT 1 1

      DEF 456 WHO 4 1

      GEH 443 WHEN 1 1

      POL 444 SOME 1 2

      CDF 876 MORE 2 2

      RED 23 PIE 1 2

      HGG 444 WHAT 1 2

      ERE 876 IF 2 3

      UIU 23 TODAY 1 3

    Any ideas?

    This is on SQL2008 R2 Std installation 🙂

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts.



  • How about this?

    ; WITH RecrusiveCTE AS


    SELECT ID, FieldA , FieldB, fieldC , Int1 , Int1 AS RngTotal , 1 AS Ranker

    FROM list_1

    WHERE ID = 1


    SELECT OrigTable.ID , OrigTable.FieldA ,

    OrigTable.fieldB , OrigTable.fieldC, OrigTable.Int1 ,

    CASE WHEN (ReCTE.RngTotal + OrigTable.Int1) > 6 THEN OrigTable.Int1

    ELSE ReCTE.RngTotal + OrigTable.Int1

    END As RngTotal ,

    CASE WHEN (ReCTE.RngTotal + OrigTable.Int1) <= 6 THEN ReCTE.Ranker

    ELSE ReCTE.Ranker + 1

    END As [RunningRank]

    FROM RecrusiveCTE ReCTE

    INNER JOIN list_1 OrigTable

    ON ReCTE.ID + 1 = OrigTable.ID


    SELECT * FROM RecrusiveCTE

    NOT the best of methods; Jeff Moden has an excellent article on how to do this in another method ( known as Quirky Update[/url]) with an amazing speed.

    {Edit : Added link to Jeff's wonderful article}

  • You may wonder where i got the ID column from. From the purpose of running totals, if adopting my code, it requires an unique ID to each row; thus, i have added, without your permission, an IDENTITY column to the sourcetable ( list_1 ).. I sincerely hope that you have an ID column in your original table :pinch:

  • thats awesome! I was trying to do recursion with the cte but my brain was just not kicking in and sorting it out for me. Thanks for that. This will do in the short term and I will look at identify a nicer way to get it accomplished.

    Much appreciated!

  • TroyG (5/19/2011)

    thats awesome! I was trying to do recursion with the cte but my brain was just not kicking in and sorting it out for me. Thanks for that. This will do in the short term and I will look at identify a nicer way to get it accomplished.

    Much appreciated!

    You're welcome, Troy..

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