Grouping chart KPI's

  • I have some data that is related - a report usage count (how many times a report was ran), and a report user count(how many times a unique individual ran the report). All of this is being grouped by year month to display trending.

    So to clarify i have:





    I want to display the report count, and user count as the same color graph bars right next to each other for each report, while keeping the data for other reports spaced separately with their own colors.

    Something like this:

    || | | ||

    || || || ||

    R1 R2 R3 R4

    So both columns for Report1 would be blue, R2 would be green, and so on.

    Hope I explained this good enough. Any help is appreciated.

  • Here is a possibility:

    Select the first series in the chart (report count), right click and go to 'Series Properties'

    Select the 'Fill' tab

    Select the Expression Editor button under 'Fill Color'

    Paste the following code in:








    Repeat for the second series in the chart (user count) with the same expression.

    This works for me because I am doing all of my grouping in the sql query so I only have one row for each report/user count. It also should be more dynamic as you do not want to have to keep adding new rows for each time series, but hopefully it gets you started.

  • Thanks sdvoranchik, with your help and a little SQL manipulation I was able to get this to work.

    Your response was much appreciated.

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