Grouping Dates in a Table by 4 weeks at a time

  • Hi,

    This is a problem I have been working on for some time, but Im still unsure how to proceed.

    I have a simple table with the following columns

    Tabel Name - TblHHWorkedHours

    ID int,

    PersonelNo int,

    WeekEnding date,

    HoursWorked float,

    ContractHours float

    Each date in WeekEnding is a Sunday, the complex part is Grouping the WeekEndings into a 4 weekly time period with the date being highest date and PersonnelNo, and sum(HoursWorked) and Sum(ContractHours).

    I want it to be a view that I can then easily query by Personnel No.

    SO if an employee had 52 weeks data in the table the view shoudl return 13 rows (of 4 weeks data)for the employee. But I am not sure howmany rows each employee will have in the table.

    Sounds straight forward but I am not experienced with SQL enough...

    All help appreciated.

  • Tallboy (6/12/2014)


    This is a problem I have been working on for some time, but Im still unsure how to proceed.

    I have a simple table with the following columns

    Tabel Name - TblHHWorkedHours

    ID int,

    PersonelNo int,

    WeekEnding date,

    HoursWorked float,

    ContractHours float

    Each date in WeekEnding is a Sunday, the complex part is Grouping the WeekEndings into a 4 weekly time period with the date being highest date and PersonnelNo, and sum(HoursWorked) and Sum(ContractHours).

    I want it to be a view that I can then easily query by Personnel No.

    SO if an employee had 52 weeks data in the table the view shoudl return 13 rows (of 4 weeks data)for the employee. But I am not sure howmany rows each employee will have in the table.

    Sounds straight forward but I am not experienced with SQL enough...

    All help appreciated.

    What about gaps? Say in week 9 there is no data. Should the first column be NULL or do the columns "shift" to the left?

    If you could post some sample data along with the desired output based on that sample data we can do this pretty easily. I am thinking all you need is ROW_NUMBER and some modulus.


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  • That would be great...

    Sample data would be

    ID, PersonnelNo,WeekEnding, WorkedHours, ContractHours

    4, 1234, 1/10/14, 10.50, 20.00

    3, 1234, 23/9/14, 11.00, 20.00

    2, 1234, 16/9/14, 10.75, 22.00

    1, 1234, 9/9/14, 10.50, 22.00

    0, 1234, 2/9/14, 11.25, 12.00

    So each employee may have 52 weeks data per year, but they may start late in the year or leave befor ethe year is up. But all data has WeekEnding dates ie Sundays.

    Final Out out for each employee would be 1 row dor each 4 week period as follows;

    PersonnelNo, 4WkEnding, TotalWorkedHours, TotalContractHours

    1234, 1/10/14, 42.75, 82.00

    1234, 2/9/14, 34.50, 82.00

    4343, 1/10/14, 34.00, 74.00

    Hope that helps...

  • Does this work for you? (Seems not).

    Set up some tables/data for folks to use...

    USE TempDB;


    CREATE TABLE #WorkHours (

    ID int

    , PersonnelNo int

    , WeekEnding date

    , WorkedHours decimal(4,2)

    , ContractHours decimal(4,2)


    Insert some records...

    INSERT INTO #WorkHours (ID, PersonnelNo, WeekEnding, WorkedHours, ContractHours)

    (SELECT 4, 1234, '10/1/14', 10.50, 20.00


    SELECT 3, 1234, '9/23/14', 11.00, 20.00


    SELECT 2, 1234, '9/16/14', 10.75, 22.00


    SELECT 1, 1234, '9/9/14', 10.50, 22.00


    SELECT 0, 1234, '9/2/14', 11.25, 12.00


    SELECT 5, 1111, '10/1/14', 10.50, 23.00


    This is close, I think...

    SELECT PersonnelNo

    , LunarMo

    , SUM(WorkedHours) AS LunarWorkedTotal

    , SUM(ContractHours) AS LunarContractTotal



    SELECT PersonnelNo

    , ID

    , WeekEnding

    , 1+DATEDIFF(wk,'1-Jan-2014',WeekEnding)/4 AS LunarMo

    , WorkedHours

    , ContractHours

    FROM #WorkHours

    WHERE PersonnelNo=1234

    ) x

    GROUP BY PersonnelNo, LunarMo

    ORDER BY PersonnelNo, LunarMo;

  • Let's use the excellent sample data and ddl that pietlinden posted. That is how you should post stuff in the future.

    What should be the output from the sample data? The desired output you posted doesn't seem to work with the data you posted.


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  • I figured that since he was new, I would be nice and show him how to set up the problem so that people could help...

    to the OP - if you set up like that, i'ts infinitely easier for folks to help you because they don't have to do much setup at all. In my experience, it helps me to better understand and think through the problem, which sometimes gets me all the way to the solution... just something to think about.

  • What's the rule about the 52 weeks? Do they start at the first of the year, or is there some other rule for that?

  • pietlinden (6/13/2014)

    I figured that since he was new, I would be nice and show him how to set up the problem so that people could help...

    And much appreciated by anybody who wants to help. 😀


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  • Hi guys, thanks for all those kind words.

    I suppose I am not articulating what the problem is, so here goes again.

    I have a table with PersNo, WeekEnding, WorkedHours and ContractHours.

    I want to group by PersNo and Between the first (max Weekending date and Weekeding date less 23 dates.

    The query/view should return 1 row for each 4 weeks of summed data for each Staff member.

    How many rows are in the starting table for each client is variable, there may be 52 rows from some staff, so there shoudl be 13 row in the outout view, there may be a lot less rows for some staff and possible weeks missing, so it need to handle that too!

    Does that make it any clearer

  • Just for clarity its not lunar month, its a four week month...

  • Again...using the sample data from pietlinden what is the expected output? Not a written explanation but the actual values as you want to see them.


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  • I think it should be something like

    SELECT PersNo, 4WeekEnd, TotalWorkedHours, TotalContractHours


    WITH TblWorkedHours @WeekEnd



    Max(WeekEnding) As 4 WeekEnd,

    Sum(WorkedHours) As TotalWOrkedHours,

    Sum(ContractHours) As TotalContractHours,

    From TblWorkedHours

    Where WeekEnding Between @Weekend and @WeekEnd-23days

    Group By PersNo, WorkedHours

    )Where PersNo = @PersNo

    But I need to iterate over the complete table for each 4 week period !

  • Tallboy (6/13/2014)

    I think it should be something like

    SELECT PersNo, 4WeekEnd, TotalWorkedHours, TotalContractHours


    WITH TblWorkedHours @WeekEnd



    Max(WeekEnding) As 4 WeekEnd,

    Sum(WorkedHours) As TotalWOrkedHours,

    Sum(ContractHours) As TotalContractHours,

    From TblWorkedHours

    Where WeekEnding Between @Weekend and @WeekEnd-23days

    Group By PersNo, WorkedHours

    )Where PersNo = @PersNo

    But I need to iterate over the complete table for each 4 week period !

    Obviously you need help with the sql or you wouldn't have posted. I will try one last time. Don't post sql, don't post a text explanation. Post the ACTUAL data you want as output from the sample data posted by pietlinden.


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  • output should be...

    Output for each employee would be 1 row for each 4 week period as follows;

    PersonnelNo, 4WeekEnd, TotalWorkedHours, TotalContractHours

    1234, 1/10/14, 42.75, 82.00

    1234, 2/9/14, 34.50, 82.00

    4343, 1/10/14, 34.00, 74.00

  • Tallboy (6/13/2014)

    output should be...

    Output for each employee would be 1 row for each 4 week period as follows;

    PersonnelNo, 4WeekEnd, TotalWorkedHours, TotalContractHours

    1234, 1/10/14, 42.75, 82.00

    1234, 2/9/14, 34.50, 82.00

    4343, 1/10/14, 34.00, 74.00

    This is not the same data that pietlinden posted. I have no interest in trying to chase this around. You are obviously still basing on your sample data. Notice that your sample data doesn't have a personnelno of 4343 yet it is in your output. I am pretty darn good at sql but my mind reading abilities are terrible. I really do want to help you but you have got to put in the effort to make your question clear.

    Let's start again by me reposting the sample data assembled from your posts.

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#WorkHours') is not null

    drop table #WorkHours

    CREATE TABLE #WorkHours (

    ID int

    , PersonnelNo int

    , WeekEnding date

    , WorkedHours decimal(4,2)

    , ContractHours decimal(4,2)


    INSERT INTO #WorkHours (ID, PersonnelNo, WeekEnding, WorkedHours, ContractHours)

    (SELECT 4, 1234, '10/1/14', 10.50, 20.00


    SELECT 3, 1234, '9/23/14', 11.00, 20.00


    SELECT 2, 1234, '9/16/14', 10.75, 22.00


    SELECT 1, 1234, '9/9/14', 10.50, 22.00


    SELECT 0, 1234, '9/2/14', 11.25, 12.00


    SELECT 5, 1111, '10/1/14', 10.50, 23.00


    select *

    from #WorkHours

    order by PersonnelNo, WeekEnding

    With the above as our data what should be the output?


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